Legal Professionals

Envista has been involved in high-profile, litigated matters all over the world, providing consultation for our clients, expert opinion, and expert witness testimony. Our team of licensed and qualified experts have devoted their entire careers to their specialties, delivering and assuring certainty to clients. We strive to help you quickly get the meaningful answers you seek on the technical issues that surround your case or dispute.

Envista's team of experts provide multi-disciplinary analysis following any type of incident or disaster no matter where in the world the loss occurred. The Envista team is comprised of experts of all backgrounds from common requests, such as product liability investigation, fire or explosion investigation, engineering and failure analysis, and digital forensics, to the most unique cases that require specialized expertise with a lifetime of experience.

Litigation Experience

Forensic Expert Witnesses

As expert witnesses, our highly skilled subject matter experts and engineers have worked on both the plaintiff and defense sides, fully understanding how to prepare for issues that can be raised from either. Envista's forensic expert witnesses have testified in court proceedings all over the globe on a wide variety of complex and long-standing cases. Our experts are trained to be prepared for the courtroom, as we believe being able to fully explain and communicate our research and key findings is just as important as the work we do to conduct our analysis. Visit our Expert Directory.

Evidence Preservation

With an investigation, the first thing our trained engineers and experts do is preserve the scene. We use leading technology to assist with the collection and cataloging of evidence to ensure every piece of the puzzle is accounted for, as we are committed to upholding the highest level of standards regardless of the size, severity, or location. We know and understand the meticulous nature that is needed to safely secure evidence and we go the extra mile to make that process as infallible as possible.


Advancing our process or client experience is always at the forefront for Envista. We work to supply our experts with the latest in technology and advanced equipment for inspections and investigations to assist in the analysis and in the courtroom, including:

How Can We Help You?

We have experts in multiple disciplines all around the world. Talk to us and we'll help you find the right expert for the job.

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Our job is to solve complex problems for our clients, in the face of a disaster. We serve business owners, small and large, no matter where they are in the world, and no matter what problem they are facing.