
This expert has worked in the food safety arena for more than 30 years, routinely working throughout the United States, the Caribbean and Europe. His specialties include: food safety audits, consultation in foodservice, food distribution, food production (farm to table), good agricultural practices (GAPS), food and dairy processing, food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging and HACCP Food Safety design and verification. He has performed at least 1000 food safety and sanitation audits in large-scale food and drug distribution warehouses,...

This expert has worked in the food safety arena for more than 30 years, routinely working throughout the United States, the Caribbean and Europe. His specialties include: food safety audits, consultation in foodservice, food distribution, food production (farm to table), good agricultural practices (GAPS), food and dairy processing, food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging and HACCP Food Safety design and verification. He has performed at least 1000 food safety and sanitation audits in large-scale food and drug distribution warehouses, processing operations and foodservice, as well as extensive investigations involving microbiological, physical and pest contamination of packaged and non-packaged food and pharmaceutical items. In addition, has given numerous depositions and has experience as an expert witness.

This expert has worked in the food safety arena for more than 30 years, routinely working throughout the United States, the Caribbean and Europe. His specialties include: food safety audits, consultation in foodservice, food distribution, food production (farm to table), good agricultural practices (GAPS), food and dairy processing, food...

This expert has worked in the food safety arena for more than 30 years, routinely working throughout the United States, the Caribbean and Europe. His specialties include: food safety audits, consultation in foodservice, food distribution, food production (farm to table), good agricultural practices (GAPS), food and dairy processing, food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging and HACCP Food Safety design and verification. He has performed at least 1000 food safety and sanitation audits in large-scale food and drug distribution warehouses, processing operations and foodservice, as well as extensive investigations involving microbiological, physical and pest contamination of packaged and non-packaged food and pharmaceutical items. In addition, has given numerous depositions and has experience as an expert witness.

Food Safety and Food Equipment Expert in Syracuse, NY

Food Safety and Food Equipment Expert in Syracuse, NY

Phoenix, NY
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