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Envista Forensics Wins Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution Advisory Firm of the Year

Toronto, ON – 04 julio 2022

Envista Forensics, a global forensic consulting firm, was recently awarded Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution Advisory Firm of the Year as part of the 2022 Global Advisory Experts Annual Awards.

Global Advisory Experts, one of the world’s leading online resources for locating specialist service advisers across legal communities, has been celebrating its annual awards since 2010. The award winners are determined through a rigorous process of external nominations, votes from their users, and supporting evidence found through their in-house research team. Envista was nominated as part of Global Advisory Experts’ regional awards in Canada and selected as the winner in the category: Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution Advisory Firm of the Year.

“Envista has been growing our global construction practice over the last few years through key hires of experienced experts and industry leaders.  It’s amazing to know that our continued focus in this industry has been recognized,” said Martin Hoey, Practice Lead, Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution, Envista Forensics, Canada.  “We as a group are truly honoured to be chosen for this award, especially since we were selected as a direct result of our client interaction and casework.  I’m so grateful to our team and our clients.”

Envista’s Construction Group in Canada has experts who truly specialize in construction claims and dispute resolution. Their team is well-known in the industry and has earned the trust and respect of clients through their understanding of the complexity and interdependency of construction elements, and the uniqueness, that exists within each project. Envista’s team pulls from expertise across disciplines, from in-house engineers in civil, structural, and geotechnical, to electrical and mechanical, materials, construction, and project management.

“Envista’s Construction Claims and Dispute Resolution team in Canada has developed into the premier team in the industry with aggressive growth and development in our people,” said Michael Guest, Managing Director, Envista Canada. “It’s rewarding to see our team recognized for all their hard work, in addition to the positive client feedback we’ve received over the last few months.”

To learn more about the Global Advisory Experts Annual Awards, visit

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