Garreth Norman is an experienced quantity surveyor and employer’s agent/project manager with over 20 years of experience in quantity surveying and contract administration duties.

How long have you worked for Envista and what do you do?

I've worked for Envista for four years as a Quantity Surveyor.

Describe your job in three words.

Interesting, challenging, and enjoyable.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love travelling around the world, meeting new people, and solving problems. 

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

You can usually find me playing golf, watching sports, especially my children's, and going on holiday when I'm not working.

What is your favourite country you have ever visited?


What’s a fun fact about you that many people may not know?

Many may not know that I am scared of heights, especially scaffolding.

Garreth Norman

Garreth Norman

Senior Surveyor

Ver el perfil de Garreth
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