Sobre Thomas

As a Senior Technical Engineer Thomas has 10 years of experience from the military working with various communication equipment. Thomas also has extensive training working with CNC equipment and other technical installation.

On top of his technical training Thomas holds a degree in Computer Science.

As a Senior Forensics Consultant, Thomas has more than 10 years of experience in various technical production system in the agricultural industry.

Moreover, Thomas has worked on numerous matters involving claims on technical installations in...

As a Senior Technical Engineer Thomas has 10 years of experience from the military working with various communication equipment. Thomas also has extensive training working with CNC equipment and other technical installation.

On top of his technical training Thomas holds a degree in Computer Science.

As a Senior Forensics Consultant, Thomas has more than 10 years of experience in various technical production system in the agricultural industry.

Moreover, Thomas has worked on numerous matters involving claims on technical installations in buildings, production facilities, energy and power, hospital systems, dental systems and in IT-systems in general.

As a Senior Technical Engineer Thomas has 10 years of experience from the military working with various communication equipment. Thomas also has extensive training working with CNC equipment and other technical installation.

On top of his technical training Thomas holds a degree in Computer Science.

As a Senior Forensics Consultant, Thomas has...

As a Senior Technical Engineer Thomas has 10 years of experience from the military working with various communication equipment. Thomas also has extensive training working with CNC equipment and other technical installation.

On top of his technical training Thomas holds a degree in Computer Science.

As a Senior Forensics Consultant, Thomas has more than 10 years of experience in various technical production system in the agricultural industry.

Moreover, Thomas has worked on numerous matters involving claims on technical installations in buildings, production facilities, energy and power, hospital systems, dental systems and in IT-systems in general.

Áreas de Especialización

  • 3D Photography
  • Broadcasting Equipment
  • Commercial Equipment
  • Computer and Networking Equipment
  • Cyber/​Privacy Breaches
  • Data Communications Equipment (RF, Satellite, Microwave, Fiber Optics)
  • Data Loss Consulting
  • Digital Forensics
  • Electrical and Equipment Failure Analysis
  • Electrical and Equipment Failure Analysis
  • Electrical Failures/​Incidents
  • Electronics
  • Equipment Breakdown
  • Heavy Equipment
  • HVAC
  • Industrial Equipment
  • IT
  • Lightning and Power Surge
  • Medical Equipment Consulting
  • Project Management and Coordination
  • Remediation Assessment and Costing
  • Scientific and Laboratory Equipment
  • Telecommunications
denmark thomas gram petersson

Thomas Gram Petersson

Senior Consultant


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Contacto Thomas Gram Petersson

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