Sobre Stephen

Mr. Stephen Collings is a Regional Techanical Leader with over 11 years of experience in design and testing of power electronics, as well as industrial power systems design and analysis. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in eleven states. He has provided expert consulting for leading insurers, loss adjusters, and litigators, in addition to state risk pools and municipal leagues. Mr. Collings previously worked as a product design engineer, with duties including overall product specification, microcontroller programming, circuit board...

Mr. Stephen Collings is a Regional Techanical Leader with over 11 years of experience in design and testing of power electronics, as well as industrial power systems design and analysis. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in eleven states. He has provided expert consulting for leading insurers, loss adjusters, and litigators, in addition to state risk pools and municipal leagues. Mr. Collings previously worked as a product design engineer, with duties including overall product specification, microcontroller programming, circuit board layout, inductor and transformer specification, power semiconductor selection, thermal design, product testing and documentation, and responsibility for compliance with UL, CE, and RoHS standards. He has also served as an engineer performing industrial power systems design, short circuit analysis, arc flash studies and hazardous area classification. At Envista, Stephen performs engineering consultations and analysis on complex electrical equipment and systems.

Mr. Stephen Collings is a Regional Techanical Leader with over 11 years of experience in design and testing of power electronics, as well as industrial power systems design and analysis. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in eleven states. He has provided expert consulting for leading insurers, loss adjusters, and litigators, in addition to...

Mr. Stephen Collings is a Regional Techanical Leader with over 11 years of experience in design and testing of power electronics, as well as industrial power systems design and analysis. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in eleven states. He has provided expert consulting for leading insurers, loss adjusters, and litigators, in addition to state risk pools and municipal leagues. Mr. Collings previously worked as a product design engineer, with duties including overall product specification, microcontroller programming, circuit board layout, inductor and transformer specification, power semiconductor selection, thermal design, product testing and documentation, and responsibility for compliance with UL, CE, and RoHS standards. He has also served as an engineer performing industrial power systems design, short circuit analysis, arc flash studies and hazardous area classification. At Envista, Stephen performs engineering consultations and analysis on complex electrical equipment and systems.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Electrical Failure Analysis
  • Forensic Engineering
stephen collings new

Stephen Collings, PE

Regional Technical Leader - South


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