Sobre Ryan

Mr. Ryan H. Ayres is a registered Professional Engineer with over 14 years of experience. As a structural design engineer, he has experience with design and construction methods of numerous types of building materials including concrete, light gauge metal, masonry, steel and wood using various building codes. Mr. Ayres has managed private and government projects across the United States to include the highly seismic areas of California, high wind areas along the coast of the Carolinas, and in the large snow loads of Upstate New York....

Mr. Ryan H. Ayres is a registered Professional Engineer with over 14 years of experience. As a structural design engineer, he has experience with design and construction methods of numerous types of building materials including concrete, light gauge metal, masonry, steel and wood using various building codes. Mr. Ayres has managed private and government projects across the United States to include the highly seismic areas of California, high wind areas along the coast of the Carolinas, and in the large snow loads of Upstate New York. Additionally, Mr. Ayres has experience producing design calculations and drawings for industrial, institutional and railroad projects

Mr. Ryan H. Ayres is a registered Professional Engineer with over 14 years of experience. As a structural design engineer, he has experience with design and construction methods of numerous types of building materials including concrete, light gauge metal, masonry, steel and wood using various building codes. Mr. Ayres has managed private and...

Mr. Ryan H. Ayres is a registered Professional Engineer with over 14 years of experience. As a structural design engineer, he has experience with design and construction methods of numerous types of building materials including concrete, light gauge metal, masonry, steel and wood using various building codes. Mr. Ayres has managed private and government projects across the United States to include the highly seismic areas of California, high wind areas along the coast of the Carolinas, and in the large snow loads of Upstate New York. Additionally, Mr. Ayres has experience producing design calculations and drawings for industrial, institutional and railroad projects

Áreas de Especialización

  • Construction Defects/​Construction Accidents
  • Exterior Cladding-Siding/​Stucco/​EIFS
  • Fire/​Explosion Damage/​Evaluations
  • Foundation Damage/​Evaluations
  • Water Damage Assessment
  • Water Damage/​Evaluation
  • Wind/​Hail/​Storm Surge Damage/​Evaluations


  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
    Brigham Young University – Provo, Utah
Ryan Ayres

Ryan Ayres, PE

Senior Project Engineer


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Contacto Ryan Ayres

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