Sobre Randall

Randy Bruff is a Senior Lead Consultant of the Fire & Explosion Division of Envista Forensics. Mr. Bruff is a Certified Fire Investigator through the NFPA and the National Association of Fire Investigators. Mr. Bruff has 38 years’ experience  conducting and supervisory over 2000 fire and explosion investigations globally. These fires involved vehicle, residential, commercial, heavy equipment, industrial, chemical plants, fuel storage facility and marine fires. Mr. Bruff has testified as an expert witness in Louisiana State Court and...

Randy Bruff is a Senior Lead Consultant of the Fire & Explosion Division of Envista Forensics. Mr. Bruff is a Certified Fire Investigator through the NFPA and the National Association of Fire Investigators. Mr. Bruff has 38 years’ experience  conducting and supervisory over 2000 fire and explosion investigations globally. These fires involved vehicle, residential, commercial, heavy equipment, industrial, chemical plants, fuel storage facility and marine fires. Mr. Bruff has testified as an expert witness in Louisiana State Court and Federal Court in Mississippi. Mr. Bruff is the past president of the Louisiana Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators and a member of the International Association of Arson Investigator. Mr. Bruff has 44 years’ of experience in the fire service and is currently the Assistant Fire Chief for a fire department in his community.   

Randy Bruff is a Senior Lead Consultant of the Fire & Explosion Division of Envista Forensics. Mr. Bruff is a Certified Fire Investigator through the NFPA and the National Association of Fire Investigators. Mr. Bruff has 38 years’ experience  conducting and supervisory over 2000 fire and explosion investigations globally. These fires...

Randy Bruff is a Senior Lead Consultant of the Fire & Explosion Division of Envista Forensics. Mr. Bruff is a Certified Fire Investigator through the NFPA and the National Association of Fire Investigators. Mr. Bruff has 38 years’ experience  conducting and supervisory over 2000 fire and explosion investigations globally. These fires involved vehicle, residential, commercial, heavy equipment, industrial, chemical plants, fuel storage facility and marine fires. Mr. Bruff has testified as an expert witness in Louisiana State Court and Federal Court in Mississippi. Mr. Bruff is the past president of the Louisiana Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators and a member of the International Association of Arson Investigator. Mr. Bruff has 44 years’ of experience in the fire service and is currently the Assistant Fire Chief for a fire department in his community.   

Áreas de Especialización

  • Agricultural Equipment Fire and Explosion
  • Heavy Equipment Fire and Explosion
  • Industrial/​Manufacturing
  • Large Retail Fire and Explosion
  • Large Warehousing Facilities
  • Large/​Complex Losses
  • Multi-Residential Complex Fire and Explosion
  • Passenger Vehicles
  • RV Fire and Explosion
  • SIU and Fraud Investigation
  • Subrogation


  • 50 semester hours
    Delgado Community College, New Orleans, LA
  • High School Diploma
    Bonnabel High School - Metairie, LA
Randall Bruff

Randall Bruff, NAFI-CFEI

Senior Lead Consultant

Fire and Explosion

New Orleans, LA

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes sobre Randall Bruff

“Randy Bruff is my go-to on all fires. When you find someone you can trust, you continue to work with them.”

¿Como podemos ayudarle?

Contamos con expertos en múltiples disciplinas en todo el mundo. Hable con nosotros y lo ayudaremos a encontrar el experto adecuado para el trabajo.

Contacto Randall Bruff

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