Sobre Nathan

Nathan Kimmel is serving as a Senior Project Engineer where he provides field conditions assessments, and expert analysis of electrical related matters. With a strong background in power systems design and electrical systems analysis, he provides insight into complex electrical events. Previously, Mr. Kimmel lead a team of eight engineers to design the installation of facilities to support semiconductor manufacturing machinery. During this time, he scoped, designed, specified, budgeted, and defined schedule on numerous projects. With...

Nathan Kimmel is serving as a Senior Project Engineer where he provides field conditions assessments, and expert analysis of electrical related matters. With a strong background in power systems design and electrical systems analysis, he provides insight into complex electrical events. Previously, Mr. Kimmel lead a team of eight engineers to design the installation of facilities to support semiconductor manufacturing machinery. During this time, he scoped, designed, specified, budgeted, and defined schedule on numerous projects. With excellent coordination between trades, design and clients, he successfully achieved demanding schedules and a high level of quality on all projects managed. Mr. Kimmel also has experience performing arc flash risk assessment, short circuit analysis and protective device coordination in many industries including but not limited to food processing, high volume manufacturing, petroleum research and development, commercial and high density housing. During this time he interfaced with local electrical resources to better understand concerns and accurately model electrical systems. At Envista, Nathan lends his expertise to electrical failure and cause and origin investigations.

Nathan Kimmel is serving as a Senior Project Engineer where he provides field conditions assessments, and expert analysis of electrical related matters. With a strong background in power systems design and electrical systems analysis, he provides insight into complex electrical events. Previously, Mr. Kimmel lead a team of eight engineers to...

Nathan Kimmel is serving as a Senior Project Engineer where he provides field conditions assessments, and expert analysis of electrical related matters. With a strong background in power systems design and electrical systems analysis, he provides insight into complex electrical events. Previously, Mr. Kimmel lead a team of eight engineers to design the installation of facilities to support semiconductor manufacturing machinery. During this time, he scoped, designed, specified, budgeted, and defined schedule on numerous projects. With excellent coordination between trades, design and clients, he successfully achieved demanding schedules and a high level of quality on all projects managed. Mr. Kimmel also has experience performing arc flash risk assessment, short circuit analysis and protective device coordination in many industries including but not limited to food processing, high volume manufacturing, petroleum research and development, commercial and high density housing. During this time he interfaced with local electrical resources to better understand concerns and accurately model electrical systems. At Envista, Nathan lends his expertise to electrical failure and cause and origin investigations.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Electrical and Equipment Failure Analysis
  • Electrical Failure Analysis
  • Electrocution/​Shock/​Arc Flash
  • Equipment Consulting


  • Bachelor of Science
    University of Oregon

Nathan Kimmel, PE

Senior Project Engineer


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Contacto Nathan Kimmel

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