Sobre Mike

Mr. Mike (Perry) Davis is a certified fire investigator with over 25 years of experience in both the public and private sectors and has conducted over 3,200 fire scene examinations. Mike has held arson and fire investigation positions with the police and fire departments in Charlotte, North Carolina, and owned a fire investigation business for approximately 10 years. Mike’s fire investigations have included bombings, frauds and homicides. Mike has served as an expert witness in the field of fire origin and cause determination in several...

Mr. Mike (Perry) Davis is a certified fire investigator with over 25 years of experience in both the public and private sectors and has conducted over 3,200 fire scene examinations. Mike has held arson and fire investigation positions with the police and fire departments in Charlotte, North Carolina, and owned a fire investigation business for approximately 10 years. Mike’s fire investigations have included bombings, frauds and homicides. Mike has served as an expert witness in the field of fire origin and cause determination in several depositions and trials.

Mr. Mike (Perry) Davis is a certified fire investigator with over 25 years of experience in both the public and private sectors and has conducted over 3,200 fire scene examinations. Mike has held arson and fire investigation positions with the police and fire departments in Charlotte, North Carolina, and owned a fire investigation business for...

Mr. Mike (Perry) Davis is a certified fire investigator with over 25 years of experience in both the public and private sectors and has conducted over 3,200 fire scene examinations. Mike has held arson and fire investigation positions with the police and fire departments in Charlotte, North Carolina, and owned a fire investigation business for approximately 10 years. Mike’s fire investigations have included bombings, frauds and homicides. Mike has served as an expert witness in the field of fire origin and cause determination in several depositions and trials.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Industrial/​Manufacturing
  • Large Retail Fire and Explosion
  • Large Warehousing Facilities
  • Large/​Complex Losses
  • Multiple Fatality Losses
  • Multi-Residential Complex Fire and Explosion
  • Oil and Gas Facilities and Equipment
  • SIU and Fraud Investigations
  • Subrogation
Perry (Mike) Davis

Mike Davis, CFI

Regional Technical Leader - South

Fire and Explosion

Charlotte, NC
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