Sobre Michael

Mr. Michael Roess is a Senior Project Consultant in the Fire Investigation group at Envista Forensics, with extensive experience in fire prevention, forensic investigations and protection systems. Michael has a rich background in the Fire Service and the educational system, holding positions such as Deputy Chief, Senior Fire Prevention Officer, Chief Fire Prevention Officer, and college professor. He has personally investigated over 2500 fires. In addition, he is serving as a Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention for the Town of North Huron and...

Mr. Michael Roess is a Senior Project Consultant in the Fire Investigation group at Envista Forensics, with extensive experience in fire prevention, forensic investigations and protection systems. Michael has a rich background in the Fire Service and the educational system, holding positions such as Deputy Chief, Senior Fire Prevention Officer, Chief Fire Prevention Officer, and college professor. He has personally investigated over 2500 fires. In addition, he is serving as a Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention for the Town of North Huron and Huron East Fire Departments.

Mr. Michael Roess is a Senior Project Consultant in the Fire Investigation group at Envista Forensics, with extensive experience in fire prevention, forensic investigations and protection systems. Michael has a rich background in the Fire Service and the educational system, holding positions such as Deputy Chief, Senior Fire Prevention Officer,...

Mr. Michael Roess is a Senior Project Consultant in the Fire Investigation group at Envista Forensics, with extensive experience in fire prevention, forensic investigations and protection systems. Michael has a rich background in the Fire Service and the educational system, holding positions such as Deputy Chief, Senior Fire Prevention Officer, Chief Fire Prevention Officer, and college professor. He has personally investigated over 2500 fires. In addition, he is serving as a Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention for the Town of North Huron and Huron East Fire Departments.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Building Code Consulting – OBC and NFPA
  • Fire Origin and Cause
  • Fire Protection and Detection Systems
  • Fire Protection Design
  • Fire Risk Assessments
  • Fire Suppression Systems Review
  • Large/​Complex Losses
  • Sprinkler and Fire Alarm Systems
dsc 0181

Michael Roess, CFEI, CFII, CVFI, CCFI

Senior Project Consultant

Fire and Explosion

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Contacto Michael Roess

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