Sobre Michael

Mr. Michael Driscoll, IAAI-CFI, is the Senior Vice President, Technical Services. Mr. Driscoll has 30 years of experience conducting over 1700 fire and explosion investigations globally. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Fire Science from the University of New Haven and has testified as an expert witness in fire and explosion investigations in both state and federal courts. Mr. Driscoll’s experience includes large/complex loss management and investigations that have involved long-duration deployments and team responses.

Examples of his...

Mr. Michael Driscoll, IAAI-CFI, is the Senior Vice President, Technical Services. Mr. Driscoll has 30 years of experience conducting over 1700 fire and explosion investigations globally. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Fire Science from the University of New Haven and has testified as an expert witness in fire and explosion investigations in both state and federal courts. Mr. Driscoll’s experience includes large/complex loss management and investigations that have involved long-duration deployments and team responses.

Examples of his large loss fire/explosion investigations include losses involving pool chemical distribution, particle board manufacturing, gun and ammunition manufacturing, warehousing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical manufacturing facilities, energy plants including natural gas and other alternative fuels, multi-residential complexes, large retail centers, and multiple fatality incidents.

Mr. Michael Driscoll, IAAI-CFI, is the Senior Vice President, Technical Services. Mr. Driscoll has 30 years of experience conducting over 1700 fire and explosion investigations globally. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Fire Science from the University of New Haven and has testified as an expert witness in fire and explosion investigations...

Mr. Michael Driscoll, IAAI-CFI, is the Senior Vice President, Technical Services. Mr. Driscoll has 30 years of experience conducting over 1700 fire and explosion investigations globally. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Fire Science from the University of New Haven and has testified as an expert witness in fire and explosion investigations in both state and federal courts. Mr. Driscoll’s experience includes large/complex loss management and investigations that have involved long-duration deployments and team responses.

Examples of his large loss fire/explosion investigations include losses involving pool chemical distribution, particle board manufacturing, gun and ammunition manufacturing, warehousing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical manufacturing facilities, energy plants including natural gas and other alternative fuels, multi-residential complexes, large retail centers, and multiple fatality incidents.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Agricultural Equipment Fire and Explosion
  • Appliance Fires
  • Commercial Cooking Fire Suppression Systems
  • Electrical Fires
  • Fire and Arson Investigation
  • Fire Chemistry, Testing, and Dynamics
  • Fire Code Consulting AFBC, NFPA
  • Fire Investigation
  • Fire Origin and Cause
  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • Fire Suppression Systems Review
  • Fire, Wind, Snow Damage Assessment
  • Fire/​Explosion Damage/​Evaluation
  • Heavy Equipment Fire and Explosion
  • Large Retail Fire and Explosion
  • Large/​Complex Losses
  • Lithium-Ion Battery Fires
  • Mechanical/​Electrical Fire Cause Analysis
  • Multiple Fatality Losses
  • Multi-Residential Complex Fire and Explosion
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Fire and Explosion
  • Power Generation/​Electrical Distribution Fires
  • RV Fire and Explosion
  • SIU and Fraud Investigation
  • Sprinkler and Fire Alarm Systems
  • Structural Fire Origin and Cause Determination
  • Subrogation
  • Transformer Fires
  • Vehicle Fires
  • Wildfire
  • Wildfire/​Fire Damage Assessment/​Estimating
  • Wind Turbine Fire and Explosion
  • Wood Burning Fire Systems


  • Bachelor of Science - Fire Science
    University of New Haven - West Haven, CT
  • Associate of Science - Fire and Occupational Safety
    University of New Haven - West Haven, CT
Michael J. Driscoll

Michael Driscoll, IAAI-CFI

Senior Vice President, Technical Services

Ven a ver a Michael

  • 31 marzo 2025 - 02 abril 2025
    Indianapolis, IN
    Estados Unidos
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    PLRB Claims Conference
  • 03 - 04 abril 2025
    Nashville, TN
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    NASP Spring Conference
  • 06 - 11 abril 2025
    Atlantic City, NJ
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    Evento de Simposio
    IAAI International Training Conference & Expo (ITC)
  • 04 - 06 junio 2025
    Newport, RI
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    Asistir al evento
    LEA Spring Meeting & Educational Conference
  • 26 - 29 octubre 2025
    San Diego, CA
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    NASP Annual Conference
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