
A forensic meteorologist and has over 30 years' experience in all matters of Forensic Meteorology and weather litigation. His extensive background extends as simple as answering a quick question regarding a prior weather related incident, or as involved as preparing a comprehensive and site-specific analysis of past weather events. He has worked on more than 1000 cases nationally, providing certified past weather reports, certified weather data, weather expert courtroom testimony, review of adversarial expert reports, and site inspections.

A forensic meteorologist and has over 30 years' experience in all matters of Forensic Meteorology and weather litigation. His extensive background extends as simple as answering a quick question regarding a prior weather related incident, or as involved as preparing a comprehensive and site-specific analysis of past weather events. He has worked...

A forensic meteorologist and has over 30 years' experience in all matters of Forensic Meteorology and weather litigation. His extensive background extends as simple as answering a quick question regarding a prior weather related incident, or as involved as preparing a comprehensive and site-specific analysis of past weather events. He has worked on more than 1000 cases nationally, providing certified past weather reports, certified weather data, weather expert courtroom testimony, review of adversarial expert reports, and site inspections.


  • BS in Meteorology
    Metropolitan State College of Denver
  • BA in Chemistry
    Metropolitan State College of Denver
  • Applied Hydrology
    University of Colorado
Meteorologist in Denver, CO

Meteorologist in Denver, CO

Denver, CO
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