Sobre Luke

Mr. Luke Griffin is a Principal Engineer with nearly 10 years of experience who holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He is a licensed general contractor and registered professional engineer in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. Mr. Griffin performs inspections and cause and origin analysis of storm damage, construction defects, structural design defects, building code compliance, industry standard compliance, and structural salvageability. These inspections and analyses involve...

Mr. Luke Griffin is a Principal Engineer with nearly 10 years of experience who holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He is a licensed general contractor and registered professional engineer in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. Mr. Griffin performs inspections and cause and origin analysis of storm damage, construction defects, structural design defects, building code compliance, industry standard compliance, and structural salvageability. These inspections and analyses involve commercial, residential, religious, civic, and multi-residential building types and floor, wall, and roof system failures; building settlement and/or collapse; moisture intrusions; wood rot and deterioration; termite damage; and building envelope and cladding system deficiencies and failures. Mr. Griffin’s specialized experience with residential and commercial construction involved identifying foundation- and moisture-related issues for clients and providing engineered solutions to solve these types of complex problems. As a licensed general contractor, he also engages in the planning, construction, remodel, and/or repair of residential structures.

Mr. Luke Griffin is a Principal Engineer with nearly 10 years of experience who holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He is a licensed general contractor and registered professional engineer in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. Mr. Griffin performs inspections and cause and origin...

Mr. Luke Griffin is a Principal Engineer with nearly 10 years of experience who holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He is a licensed general contractor and registered professional engineer in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. Mr. Griffin performs inspections and cause and origin analysis of storm damage, construction defects, structural design defects, building code compliance, industry standard compliance, and structural salvageability. These inspections and analyses involve commercial, residential, religious, civic, and multi-residential building types and floor, wall, and roof system failures; building settlement and/or collapse; moisture intrusions; wood rot and deterioration; termite damage; and building envelope and cladding system deficiencies and failures. Mr. Griffin’s specialized experience with residential and commercial construction involved identifying foundation- and moisture-related issues for clients and providing engineered solutions to solve these types of complex problems. As a licensed general contractor, he also engages in the planning, construction, remodel, and/or repair of residential structures.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Civil and Structural Failure Analysis
  • Structural Failure


  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
    Arkansas State University
headshot luke griffin

Luke Griffin, PE, GC

Principal Engineer


Memphis, TN
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