Sobre Kirsten

Kirsten works out of Envista’s Toronto office as Envista’s Canadian Regional Technical Leader, Environmental and Industrial Hygiene Group. She has 9 years of experience in the environmental, health and safety sector, with 8 focused in the insurance and legal environment. A licensed Chemical Engineer, Kirsten is also a Certified Industrial Hygienist. These two complementary areas of expertise give her a tremendous ability to provide both scientifically valid and very practical findings in complex and challenging cases involving fire residue,...

Kirsten works out of Envista’s Toronto office as Envista’s Canadian Regional Technical Leader, Environmental and Industrial Hygiene Group. She has 9 years of experience in the environmental, health and safety sector, with 8 focused in the insurance and legal environment. A licensed Chemical Engineer, Kirsten is also a Certified Industrial Hygienist. These two complementary areas of expertise give her a tremendous ability to provide both scientifically valid and very practical findings in complex and challenging cases involving fire residue, mould, asbestos, lead, and other chemical and biological contaminants.

Kirsten works out of Envista’s Toronto office as Envista’s Canadian Regional Technical Leader, Environmental and Industrial Hygiene Group. She has 9 years of experience in the environmental, health and safety sector, with 8 focused in the insurance and legal environment. A licensed Chemical Engineer, Kirsten is also a Certified Industrial...

Kirsten works out of Envista’s Toronto office as Envista’s Canadian Regional Technical Leader, Environmental and Industrial Hygiene Group. She has 9 years of experience in the environmental, health and safety sector, with 8 focused in the insurance and legal environment. A licensed Chemical Engineer, Kirsten is also a Certified Industrial Hygienist. These two complementary areas of expertise give her a tremendous ability to provide both scientifically valid and very practical findings in complex and challenging cases involving fire residue, mould, asbestos, lead, and other chemical and biological contaminants.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Asbestos Abatement
  • Biological Hazard Assessment
  • Chemical Contamination Assessment
  • Environmental and Industrial Hygiene
  • Indoor Air Quality Assessment
  • Industrial Equipment
  • Management of Hazardous Materials
  • Mold Remediation
  • Personal Injury
  • Smoke Residue Assessment
  • Water Damage/​Evaluation


  • M.Eng., Chemical Engineering with Collaborative Specialization in Environmental Studies
    University of Toronto – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Chemical Engineering),
    University of Waterloo – Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Kirsten Hoedlmoser

Kirsten Hoedlmoser, M. Eng., CHSC, CIH, P.ENG

Regional Technical Leader

Environmental, Industrial Hygiene

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Contacto Kirsten Hoedlmoser

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