Sobre Keith

Principal Consultant with over 20 years’ experience, Mr. Keith Nygaard provides consultation to the insurance and legal communities in matters of multiple types of losses in multiple industries involving design, manufacturing and project management and over 12 years in the insurance industry. At Envista, Keith provides electrical, mechanical and forensic engineering evaluation along with origin and cause investigations for equipment and machinery failures and fire investigations in the USA, Canada and Asia. Additionally, he is highly...

Principal Consultant with over 20 years’ experience, Mr. Keith Nygaard provides consultation to the insurance and legal communities in matters of multiple types of losses in multiple industries involving design, manufacturing and project management and over 12 years in the insurance industry. At Envista, Keith provides electrical, mechanical and forensic engineering evaluation along with origin and cause investigations for equipment and machinery failures and fire investigations in the USA, Canada and Asia. Additionally, he is highly knowledgeable in contamination losses and restoration processes relating to high tech equipment. Some of his projects have involved manufacturing plants, hospitals, universities, power plants, city and government facilities and construction sites. 

Principal Consultant with over 20 years’ experience, Mr. Keith Nygaard provides consultation to the insurance and legal communities in matters of multiple types of losses in multiple industries involving design, manufacturing and project management and over 12 years in the insurance industry. At Envista, Keith provides electrical, mechanical and...

Principal Consultant with over 20 years’ experience, Mr. Keith Nygaard provides consultation to the insurance and legal communities in matters of multiple types of losses in multiple industries involving design, manufacturing and project management and over 12 years in the insurance industry. At Envista, Keith provides electrical, mechanical and forensic engineering evaluation along with origin and cause investigations for equipment and machinery failures and fire investigations in the USA, Canada and Asia. Additionally, he is highly knowledgeable in contamination losses and restoration processes relating to high tech equipment. Some of his projects have involved manufacturing plants, hospitals, universities, power plants, city and government facilities and construction sites. 

Áreas de Especialización

  • Construction Defect
  • Energy Facilities and Equipment
  • Energy Facilities and Equipment
  • Energy Failure Analysis
  • Heavy Equipment
  • HVAC
  • Machine Safety and Guarding/​Accidents
  • Major Loss Investigation
  • Mechanical Failure Analysis
  • Power and Energy
  • Renewable Energy Equipment (Solar/​Wind/​Hydro)
  • Subrogation


  • MBA
    University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN
  • B.S, Engineering Physics; Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
    North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Keith Nygaard

Keith Nygaard

Principal Consultant


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Contacto Keith Nygaard

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