Sobre Jon R.

Jon Burks has over 27 years of engineering and forensic experience in cases involving moisture intrusion, foundation movement, construction and design/evaluation of residential structures, construction defects, EIFS (Exterior Insulating Finishing Systems), conventional stucco, one-coat stucco, structural collapse, structural fire damage assessment, vehicle impacts, roofing damage, groundwater drainage issues, wind and hail damage assessment, hurricane damage, storm surge damage, vibration damage investigations, and building code compliance....

Jon Burks has over 27 years of engineering and forensic experience in cases involving moisture intrusion, foundation movement, construction and design/evaluation of residential structures, construction defects, EIFS (Exterior Insulating Finishing Systems), conventional stucco, one-coat stucco, structural collapse, structural fire damage assessment, vehicle impacts, roofing damage, groundwater drainage issues, wind and hail damage assessment, hurricane damage, storm surge damage, vibration damage investigations, and building code compliance. Responsibilities for this work include investigation, failure analysis and damage assessment, report of findings, repair cost estimates, repair designs as well as deposition and expert witness testimony. He has experience in the design, analysis, construction, and observation of a wide variety of construction projects throughout the Pacific Northwest. These projects have encompassed shallow and deep concrete foundation design for tower cranes, construction management and design for residential structures, retaining wall design, and water treatment facility equipment foundation design

Jon Burks has over 27 years of engineering and forensic experience in cases involving moisture intrusion, foundation movement, construction and design/evaluation of residential structures, construction defects, EIFS (Exterior Insulating Finishing Systems), conventional stucco, one-coat stucco, structural collapse, structural fire damage...

Jon Burks has over 27 years of engineering and forensic experience in cases involving moisture intrusion, foundation movement, construction and design/evaluation of residential structures, construction defects, EIFS (Exterior Insulating Finishing Systems), conventional stucco, one-coat stucco, structural collapse, structural fire damage assessment, vehicle impacts, roofing damage, groundwater drainage issues, wind and hail damage assessment, hurricane damage, storm surge damage, vibration damage investigations, and building code compliance. Responsibilities for this work include investigation, failure analysis and damage assessment, report of findings, repair cost estimates, repair designs as well as deposition and expert witness testimony. He has experience in the design, analysis, construction, and observation of a wide variety of construction projects throughout the Pacific Northwest. These projects have encompassed shallow and deep concrete foundation design for tower cranes, construction management and design for residential structures, retaining wall design, and water treatment facility equipment foundation design

Áreas de Especialización

  • Civil/​Site Drainage/​Site Preparation Damage/​Evaluation
  • Construction Defects/​Construction Accidents
  • Exterior Cladding Damage/​Evaluation
  • Fire/​Explosion Damage/​Evaluation
  • Foundation Damage/​Evaluation
  • Subrogation
  • Water Damage/​Evaluation
  • Wind/​Hail/​Storm Surge Damage/​Evaluation


  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Technology - Structural Emphasis
    Oregon Institute of Technology – Klamath Falls, Oregon
Jon R. Burks

Jon R. Burks, PE

Project Manager

Expert Alliance

Bend, OR
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