Sobre Jeffrey L.

Mr. Jeffrey Orye has more than 39 years of combined experience in public fire and law enforcement service with the Anne Arundel County (MD) Fire Department, serving as a firefighter, firefighter/engineer, fire inspector, and a fire & explosives investigator. Mr. Orye finished his career as a fire & explosives investigator (law enforcement officer) in the fire marshal division with 16 years of service in that position.
While serving as a public fire investigator, Mr. Orye investigated more than 950 fire scenes and approximately 82...

Mr. Jeffrey Orye has more than 39 years of combined experience in public fire and law enforcement service with the Anne Arundel County (MD) Fire Department, serving as a firefighter, firefighter/engineer, fire inspector, and a fire & explosives investigator. Mr. Orye finished his career as a fire & explosives investigator (law enforcement officer) in the fire marshal division with 16 years of service in that position.
While serving as a public fire investigator, Mr. Orye investigated more than 950 fire scenes and approximately 82 incidents involving explosions and/or explosives. Fire investigations conducted included but were not limited to incidents involving residential, commercial, and government properties; vehicles; marine/boats; fire injuries and deaths including arson homicide and self-immolation; and serial arsons. Mr. Orye has provided testimony in state criminal courts as a recognized expert witness in fire origin and cause determination.
During his time with Envista Forensics, Mr. Orye has examined approximately 55 fire scenes including residential and commercial (retail, office, and restaurants/cooking facilities) structures, and vehicles (automobiles, heavy trucks).
Mr. Orye holds credentials as a Certified Fire Investigator (IAAI-CFI) from the International Association of Arson Investigators with the vehicle fire endorsement (V), as well their Evidence Collection Technician (ECT) certification. He is a Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator (CFEI) through the National Association of Fire Investigators. He was previously a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) during his time as a fire inspector. He is a Certified Fire Investigator, Fire Inspector III, Fire Officer I, Fire Apparatus Driver Operator (Pump, Aerial, Tiller), and Firefighter II through the Maryland Fire Service Professional Qualifications Board. He was a certified Police Officer through the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commission.

Mr. Jeffrey Orye has more than 39 years of combined experience in public fire and law enforcement service with the Anne Arundel County (MD) Fire Department, serving as a firefighter, firefighter/engineer, fire inspector, and a fire & explosives investigator. Mr. Orye finished his career as a fire & explosives investigator (law enforcement...

Mr. Jeffrey Orye has more than 39 years of combined experience in public fire and law enforcement service with the Anne Arundel County (MD) Fire Department, serving as a firefighter, firefighter/engineer, fire inspector, and a fire & explosives investigator. Mr. Orye finished his career as a fire & explosives investigator (law enforcement officer) in the fire marshal division with 16 years of service in that position.
While serving as a public fire investigator, Mr. Orye investigated more than 950 fire scenes and approximately 82 incidents involving explosions and/or explosives. Fire investigations conducted included but were not limited to incidents involving residential, commercial, and government properties; vehicles; marine/boats; fire injuries and deaths including arson homicide and self-immolation; and serial arsons. Mr. Orye has provided testimony in state criminal courts as a recognized expert witness in fire origin and cause determination.
During his time with Envista Forensics, Mr. Orye has examined approximately 55 fire scenes including residential and commercial (retail, office, and restaurants/cooking facilities) structures, and vehicles (automobiles, heavy trucks).
Mr. Orye holds credentials as a Certified Fire Investigator (IAAI-CFI) from the International Association of Arson Investigators with the vehicle fire endorsement (V), as well their Evidence Collection Technician (ECT) certification. He is a Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator (CFEI) through the National Association of Fire Investigators. He was previously a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) during his time as a fire inspector. He is a Certified Fire Investigator, Fire Inspector III, Fire Officer I, Fire Apparatus Driver Operator (Pump, Aerial, Tiller), and Firefighter II through the Maryland Fire Service Professional Qualifications Board. He was a certified Police Officer through the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commission.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Fire Origin and Cause
  • Fire/​Explosion Damage/​Evaluation
  • Forensic Engineering
  • Marine Facilities and Equipment
  • Vehicle Fires
jeffrey oyre

Jeffrey L. Orye, IAAI-CFI, CFEI

Senior Consultant

Fire and Explosion

Baltimore, MD
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Contacto Jeffrey L. Orye

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