Sobre James

James Wheeler is a Principal Consultant in the Mechanical / Electrical division. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Canada, the United States (P.E.), and his native Costa Rica. He is also an internationally Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI). James has over 37 years of experience working as an electrical engineer in the private sector. Since 2005, he has specialized in forensic root cause investigations and has investigated and managed over 1,500 fire, property and vehicle loss investigations, as well as major...

James Wheeler is a Principal Consultant in the Mechanical / Electrical division. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Canada, the United States (P.E.), and his native Costa Rica. He is also an internationally Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI). James has over 37 years of experience working as an electrical engineer in the private sector. Since 2005, he has specialized in forensic root cause investigations and has investigated and managed over 1,500 fire, property and vehicle loss investigations, as well as major electrical equipment fires, explosions and failures. James is a National Association of Fire Investigators member and a designated expert in electrical installations, equipment and appliances by the Standards Council of Canada.

James Wheeler is a Principal Consultant in the Mechanical / Electrical division. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Canada, the United States (P.E.), and his native Costa Rica. He is also an internationally Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI). James has over 37 years of experience working as an electrical engineer in...

James Wheeler is a Principal Consultant in the Mechanical / Electrical division. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Canada, the United States (P.E.), and his native Costa Rica. He is also an internationally Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI). James has over 37 years of experience working as an electrical engineer in the private sector. Since 2005, he has specialized in forensic root cause investigations and has investigated and managed over 1,500 fire, property and vehicle loss investigations, as well as major electrical equipment fires, explosions and failures. James is a National Association of Fire Investigators member and a designated expert in electrical installations, equipment and appliances by the Standards Council of Canada.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Appliance Fires
  • Electrical and Equipment Failure Analysis
  • Electrical Codes and Regulations
  • Electrical Fires
  • Electrical Installation Standards
  • Equipment Consulting
  • Fire and Arson Investigation
  • Fire Investigation
  • Fire Origin and Cause
  • Fire/​Explosion Damage/​Evaluation
  • Heavy Equipment Fire and Explosion
  • Mechanical Failure Analysis
  • Mechanical/​Electrical Fire Cause Analysis
  • MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing)
  • Power and Energy
  • Structural Fire Origin and Cause Determination
  • Transformer Fires
  • Vehicle Fires


  • Master Transformer Specialist
    Kent State University & SD Myers, Tallmadge, Ohio
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
    Humber College – Toronto, Ontario
  • Bachelor of Applied Science – B.A.Sc., Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
    Universidad de Costa Rica – San Jose, Costa Rica
james wheeler 2023

James Wheeler, CFEI, P.E., P.Eng

Principal Consultant


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