Sobre James

Mr. James Strehle (Jim) is a Project Engineer who began his career in civil engineering in 2012, while his total construction industry experience extends back to 1996. He is a multi-state licensed Project Engineer with a background in construction, design, forensics, restoration, construction administration, project management, and restoration of commercial and residential properties. Mr. Strehle also has expertise in designing buildings and structural components for buildings undergoing renovation. His past projects include schools, parking...

Mr. James Strehle (Jim) is a Project Engineer who began his career in civil engineering in 2012, while his total construction industry experience extends back to 1996. He is a multi-state licensed Project Engineer with a background in construction, design, forensics, restoration, construction administration, project management, and restoration of commercial and residential properties. Mr. Strehle also has expertise in designing buildings and structural components for buildings undergoing renovation. His past projects include schools, parking ramps, factories, agricultural buildings, museums, multifamily housing, and residential road rehabilitation. Additionally, Mr. Strehle’s early history in the construction industry encompasses roughly a decade and a half of carpentry experience focused on building and remodeling townhomes and single-family residences. His hands-on work experience during this period included the installation of concrete, wood framing, windows, doors, siding, soffit, fascia, roofing, drywall, ceramic tile, wood flooring, cabinetry, and finishes. At Envista, Mr. Strehle provides forensic civil and structural engineering evaluation and consultation services. His unique and extensive construction industry experience enables him to accurately evaluate a wide variety of structural problems and construction defects.

Mr. James Strehle (Jim) is a Project Engineer who began his career in civil engineering in 2012, while his total construction industry experience extends back to 1996. He is a multi-state licensed Project Engineer with a background in construction, design, forensics, restoration, construction administration, project management, and restoration of...

Mr. James Strehle (Jim) is a Project Engineer who began his career in civil engineering in 2012, while his total construction industry experience extends back to 1996. He is a multi-state licensed Project Engineer with a background in construction, design, forensics, restoration, construction administration, project management, and restoration of commercial and residential properties. Mr. Strehle also has expertise in designing buildings and structural components for buildings undergoing renovation. His past projects include schools, parking ramps, factories, agricultural buildings, museums, multifamily housing, and residential road rehabilitation. Additionally, Mr. Strehle’s early history in the construction industry encompasses roughly a decade and a half of carpentry experience focused on building and remodeling townhomes and single-family residences. His hands-on work experience during this period included the installation of concrete, wood framing, windows, doors, siding, soffit, fascia, roofing, drywall, ceramic tile, wood flooring, cabinetry, and finishes. At Envista, Mr. Strehle provides forensic civil and structural engineering evaluation and consultation services. His unique and extensive construction industry experience enables him to accurately evaluate a wide variety of structural problems and construction defects.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Civil and Structural Failure Analysis
  • Design and Code Reviews
  • Forensic Engineering
2024 headshot strehle web size

James Strehle, PE

Project Engineer


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Contacto James Strehle

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