
This expert has over 40 years of experience performing fire-safety risk assessments, fire hazard analyses, fire and mechanical systems failure analysis and incident investigations. Additionally, he is experienced with developing fire protection system designs, performing fire origin and cause investigations and providing respiratory protection consulting. This expert reports and findings have been utilized numerous times for litigation proceedings.

This expert has over 40 years of experience performing fire-safety risk assessments, fire hazard analyses, fire and mechanical systems failure analysis and incident investigations. Additionally, he is experienced with developing fire protection system designs, performing fire origin and cause investigations and providing respiratory protection...

This expert has over 40 years of experience performing fire-safety risk assessments, fire hazard analyses, fire and mechanical systems failure analysis and incident investigations. Additionally, he is experienced with developing fire protection system designs, performing fire origin and cause investigations and providing respiratory protection consulting. This expert reports and findings have been utilized numerous times for litigation proceedings.


  • Completed coursework toward Master of Science degree and partial studies toward PhD in Fire Protecti
    Fire Protection Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • B.Sc., Humanities
    Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York
  • Completed major course requirements toward Ph.D. degree in Fire Protection Engineering
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Dissertation completion interrupted).
Fire Protection Engineer Expert in Boston, MA

Fire Protection Engineer Expert in Boston, MA

Jefferson, MA
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