Sobre F. Anthony

Mr. Frank Anthony Ragone is a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida and multiple other states with more than 17 years of engineering experience leading structural design projects and consulting with clients to deliver forensic damage assessments for expert testimony. Mr. Ragone’s forensic work includes cause, source, and damage assessment investigations and reports for wind, flood, earthquake, hail, and impact to building and roofing systems delivered to clients for plaintiff and defense litigation cases. His design experience includes...

Mr. Frank Anthony Ragone is a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida and multiple other states with more than 17 years of engineering experience leading structural design projects and consulting with clients to deliver forensic damage assessments for expert testimony. Mr. Ragone’s forensic work includes cause, source, and damage assessment investigations and reports for wind, flood, earthquake, hail, and impact to building and roofing systems delivered to clients for plaintiff and defense litigation cases. His design experience includes designing and drawing plans for reinforced concrete and precast structural marine construction projects as well as piping systems and underground tanks for petroleum fueling stations. He also previously worked as a software engineer, testing and developing roof truss design software.

Mr. Frank Anthony Ragone is a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida and multiple other states with more than 17 years of engineering experience leading structural design projects and consulting with clients to deliver forensic damage assessments for expert testimony. Mr. Ragone’s forensic work includes cause, source, and damage assessment...

Mr. Frank Anthony Ragone is a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida and multiple other states with more than 17 years of engineering experience leading structural design projects and consulting with clients to deliver forensic damage assessments for expert testimony. Mr. Ragone’s forensic work includes cause, source, and damage assessment investigations and reports for wind, flood, earthquake, hail, and impact to building and roofing systems delivered to clients for plaintiff and defense litigation cases. His design experience includes designing and drawing plans for reinforced concrete and precast structural marine construction projects as well as piping systems and underground tanks for petroleum fueling stations. He also previously worked as a software engineer, testing and developing roof truss design software.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Civil and Structural Failure Analysis
  • Structural Failure
anthony ragone

F. Anthony Ragone, PE

Senior Project Engineer


Deerfield Beach, FL
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