
This Expert is a Certified Competent Conveyance Mechanic with over 35 years’ experience. His technical specialties are elevators and escalators, including failure analysis, troubleshooting, installation, repair, modernization, maintenance, and inspection. He has been retained as a consulting expert by law firms, insurance companies, and building owners regarding a wide range of elevator and escalator related issues and has been deposed on at least 50 occasions.

This Expert is a Certified Competent Conveyance Mechanic with over 35 years’ experience. His technical specialties are elevators and escalators, including failure analysis, troubleshooting, installation, repair, modernization, maintenance, and inspection. He has been retained as a consulting expert by law firms, insurance companies, and building...

This Expert is a Certified Competent Conveyance Mechanic with over 35 years’ experience. His technical specialties are elevators and escalators, including failure analysis, troubleshooting, installation, repair, modernization, maintenance, and inspection. He has been retained as a consulting expert by law firms, insurance companies, and building owners regarding a wide range of elevator and escalator related issues and has been deposed on at least 50 occasions.


  • Business Curriculum
    Indian Valley College, Novato, California
Elevator Consultant in Oakland, CA

Elevator Consultant in Oakland, CA

Oakland, CA
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