Sobre Bruce

Mr. Bruce Kivisto is a registered professional engineer with more than 30 years of successful international design and application experience in the defense, energy, transportation, offshore, manufacturing, and agriculture industries. He has authored and presented publications at international offshore technology conferences and exhibitions in SE Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and he developed, patented, and successfully applied subsea waterjet technology to aid subsea intervention and oil well blowout response. Mr. Kivisto's experience in...

Mr. Bruce Kivisto is a registered professional engineer with more than 30 years of successful international design and application experience in the defense, energy, transportation, offshore, manufacturing, and agriculture industries. He has authored and presented publications at international offshore technology conferences and exhibitions in SE Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and he developed, patented, and successfully applied subsea waterjet technology to aid subsea intervention and oil well blowout response. Mr. Kivisto's experience in the manufacturing and transportation industries includes successful designs of ultra-high-pressure pumps, CNC machines, motion systems, diesel-powered electrical systems, and embedded control systems. He also has more than a decade of ordnance and ballistics testing and safe handling of primary and secondary explosives related to fuses, explosively formed penetrators and many other forms of high energy projectiles.

Mr. Bruce Kivisto is a registered professional engineer with more than 30 years of successful international design and application experience in the defense, energy, transportation, offshore, manufacturing, and agriculture industries. He has authored and presented publications at international offshore technology conferences and exhibitions in SE...

Mr. Bruce Kivisto is a registered professional engineer with more than 30 years of successful international design and application experience in the defense, energy, transportation, offshore, manufacturing, and agriculture industries. He has authored and presented publications at international offshore technology conferences and exhibitions in SE Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and he developed, patented, and successfully applied subsea waterjet technology to aid subsea intervention and oil well blowout response. Mr. Kivisto's experience in the manufacturing and transportation industries includes successful designs of ultra-high-pressure pumps, CNC machines, motion systems, diesel-powered electrical systems, and embedded control systems. He also has more than a decade of ordnance and ballistics testing and safe handling of primary and secondary explosives related to fuses, explosively formed penetrators and many other forms of high energy projectiles.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Automation and Controls
  • Electrical Failure Analysis
  • Electrocution/​Shock/​Arc Flash
  • Equipment Consulting
  • Equipment Damage Assessment
  • Lightning and Power Surge
  • Marine Equipment
  • Power Generation/​Transmission/​Distribution/​Utilities


  • Master of Science, Management of Technology
    University of Minnesota
  • Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering
    University of Minnesota
  • Associate, Electronics Engineering Technology
    Ridgewater College
Bruce Kivisto

Bruce Kivisto, PE

Senior Project Engineer


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