Sobre Brad

Mr. Brad Davis is a Professional Engineer with over 30 years of experience providing expert consultation to the insurance and legal communities in matters of equipment losses, equipment valuation, damage assessment, and causation analysis. His expertise has been sought after in assisting with several World Trade Center files and he has testified in Federal Court as a consulting expert. Mr. Davis has been a featured speaker on topics including “Electrical/Electronic Overstress” and is a member of the International Association of Arson...

Mr. Brad Davis is a Professional Engineer with over 30 years of experience providing expert consultation to the insurance and legal communities in matters of equipment losses, equipment valuation, damage assessment, and causation analysis. His expertise has been sought after in assisting with several World Trade Center files and he has testified in Federal Court as a consulting expert. Mr. Davis has been a featured speaker on topics including “Electrical/Electronic Overstress” and is a member of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI). Mr. Davis performs investigations involving electrical failures and appliance fires and provides technical advice for large industrial losses involving complex automated machinery caused by fire, water, and lightning/power surges.

Mr. Brad Davis is a Professional Engineer with over 30 years of experience providing expert consultation to the insurance and legal communities in matters of equipment losses, equipment valuation, damage assessment, and causation analysis. His expertise has been sought after in assisting with several World Trade Center files and he has testified...

Mr. Brad Davis is a Professional Engineer with over 30 years of experience providing expert consultation to the insurance and legal communities in matters of equipment losses, equipment valuation, damage assessment, and causation analysis. His expertise has been sought after in assisting with several World Trade Center files and he has testified in Federal Court as a consulting expert. Mr. Davis has been a featured speaker on topics including “Electrical/Electronic Overstress” and is a member of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI). Mr. Davis performs investigations involving electrical failures and appliance fires and provides technical advice for large industrial losses involving complex automated machinery caused by fire, water, and lightning/power surges.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Automation and Controls
  • Broadcasting Equipment
  • Construction Defect
  • Electrical and Equipment Failure Analysis
  • Electrical Failure Analysis
  • Electrical Failures/​Incidents
  • HVAC
  • Lightning and Power Surge
  • Power and Energy
  • Subrogation


  • B.S, Electrical Engineering
    University of Illinois
  • B.S., Business Administration
    Milligan College
brad davis headshot 2023

Brad Davis, PE

Assistant Technical Director


Ven a ver a Brad

  • 09 - 11 abril 2025
    Dallas, TX
    Estados Unidos
    Evento de Simposio
    CLM Annual Conference
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Contacto Brad Davis

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