Sobre Bill

Mr. Bill Penn is a metals industry specialist and has had more than 25 years as a manager in the steel industry with British Steel and Ispat (Mittal). Since 2001, Mr. Penn has been working as a consultant specialising in the steel industry providing expert advice to lending institutions, steel companies, insurers, reinsurers, law firms and other consulting companies.  Within the steel industry, Mr. Penn has held senior management posts in ironmaking (blast furnaces), coke-making, EAF steelmaking, rolling of long products, and continuous...

Mr. Bill Penn is a metals industry specialist and has had more than 25 years as a manager in the steel industry with British Steel and Ispat (Mittal). Since 2001, Mr. Penn has been working as a consultant specialising in the steel industry providing expert advice to lending institutions, steel companies, insurers, reinsurers, law firms and other consulting companies.  Within the steel industry, Mr. Penn has held senior management posts in ironmaking (blast furnaces), coke-making, EAF steelmaking, rolling of long products, and continuous casting. During his steel management career and as a consultant, Mr. Penn led many different consultant teams working on a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metals industry assignments including feasibility studies, due diligence, privatisations, and forensic engineering associated with insurance investigations and expert witness work. He has twice appeared as an Expert Witness in London courts in arbitration hearings. 

Mr. Bill Penn is a metals industry specialist and has had more than 25 years as a manager in the steel industry with British Steel and Ispat (Mittal). Since 2001, Mr. Penn has been working as a consultant specialising in the steel industry providing expert advice to lending institutions, steel companies, insurers, reinsurers, law firms and other...

Mr. Bill Penn is a metals industry specialist and has had more than 25 years as a manager in the steel industry with British Steel and Ispat (Mittal). Since 2001, Mr. Penn has been working as a consultant specialising in the steel industry providing expert advice to lending institutions, steel companies, insurers, reinsurers, law firms and other consulting companies.  Within the steel industry, Mr. Penn has held senior management posts in ironmaking (blast furnaces), coke-making, EAF steelmaking, rolling of long products, and continuous casting. During his steel management career and as a consultant, Mr. Penn led many different consultant teams working on a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metals industry assignments including feasibility studies, due diligence, privatisations, and forensic engineering associated with insurance investigations and expert witness work. He has twice appeared as an Expert Witness in London courts in arbitration hearings. 

bill penn

Bill Penn


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