Sobre Andy

Mr. Andrew Neufeld (Andy) is a Senior Project Engineer with over 10 years of experience. As a professionally licensed mechanical engineer, he has experience in manufacturing, supply chains, and mechanical design. He has designed heavy machinery in the aerial work platform/material lift sector and has specific project knowledge in the areas of drivetrains, hydraulics, vehicle HVAC, chain systems, roll-over protection/falling object protection systems, equipment stability, quality systems, global component sourcing, manufacturing...

Mr. Andrew Neufeld (Andy) is a Senior Project Engineer with over 10 years of experience. As a professionally licensed mechanical engineer, he has experience in manufacturing, supply chains, and mechanical design. He has designed heavy machinery in the aerial work platform/material lift sector and has specific project knowledge in the areas of drivetrains, hydraulics, vehicle HVAC, chain systems, roll-over protection/falling object protection systems, equipment stability, quality systems, global component sourcing, manufacturing equipment/fixtures, and steel weldment design/testing. At Envista, Mr. Neufeld works as a forensic consultant for projects with suspected mechanical failures. He investigates commercial and residential HVAC systems, fire suppression systems, boilers, appliances, pipes, heavy equipment/mobile hydraulics), and manufacturing equipment. He also works to investigate equipment breakdown and provide estimates for equipment, tools, and systems. Currently he is working towards a master’s degree in Next-Generation Power and Energy systems at Colorado University.

Mr. Andrew Neufeld (Andy) is a Senior Project Engineer with over 10 years of experience. As a professionally licensed mechanical engineer, he has experience in manufacturing, supply chains, and mechanical design. He has designed heavy machinery in the aerial work platform/material lift sector and has specific project knowledge in the areas of...

Mr. Andrew Neufeld (Andy) is a Senior Project Engineer with over 10 years of experience. As a professionally licensed mechanical engineer, he has experience in manufacturing, supply chains, and mechanical design. He has designed heavy machinery in the aerial work platform/material lift sector and has specific project knowledge in the areas of drivetrains, hydraulics, vehicle HVAC, chain systems, roll-over protection/falling object protection systems, equipment stability, quality systems, global component sourcing, manufacturing equipment/fixtures, and steel weldment design/testing. At Envista, Mr. Neufeld works as a forensic consultant for projects with suspected mechanical failures. He investigates commercial and residential HVAC systems, fire suppression systems, boilers, appliances, pipes, heavy equipment/mobile hydraulics), and manufacturing equipment. He also works to investigate equipment breakdown and provide estimates for equipment, tools, and systems. Currently he is working towards a master’s degree in Next-Generation Power and Energy systems at Colorado University.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Construction Defect
  • Equipment Consulting
  • Forensic Engineering
  • HVAC/​Boilers
  • Manufacturing
  • Mechanical Failure Analysis
  • Mechanical Quality Assurance
  • Renewable Energy Equipment (Solar/​Wind/​Hydro)


  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Focus, Mathematics Minor
    George Fox University – Newberg, OR
neufeld color

Andy Neufeld, PE

Senior Project Engineer


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Contacto Andy Neufeld

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