Sobre Aleks

Mr. Aleks Aleksandrov has been in the electrical and forensic engineering industry for 6 years as a knowledgeable electrical engineer experienced in photovoltaic systems QA/QC inspections and electrical equipment failure analysis. Mr. Aleksandrov has worked as a Project Coordinator at an electrical contractor company, where he gained valuable skills with photovoltaic systems. He performed quality assurance inspections, final commissioning on photovoltaic projects and verified the location, condition and installation of electrical equipment.

Mr. Aleks Aleksandrov has been in the electrical and forensic engineering industry for 6 years as a knowledgeable electrical engineer experienced in photovoltaic systems QA/QC inspections and electrical equipment failure analysis. Mr. Aleksandrov has worked as a Project Coordinator at an electrical contractor company, where he gained valuable...

Mr. Aleks Aleksandrov has been in the electrical and forensic engineering industry for 6 years as a knowledgeable electrical engineer experienced in photovoltaic systems QA/QC inspections and electrical equipment failure analysis. Mr. Aleksandrov has worked as a Project Coordinator at an electrical contractor company, where he gained valuable skills with photovoltaic systems. He performed quality assurance inspections, final commissioning on photovoltaic projects and verified the location, condition and installation of electrical equipment.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Electrical and Equipment Failure Analysis
  • Electrical Codes and Regulations
  • Electrical Failure Analysis
  • Electrical Failures/​Incidents
  • Electrical Fires
  • Electrical Installation Standards
  • Equipment Consulting
  • Fire Investigation
  • Power and Energy
  • Project Management and Coordination
  • Renewable Energy Equipment (Solar/​Wind/​Hydro)


  • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Science
    Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON
  • Electrical Engineering Technologist (Control System) Program
    Humber College School of Applied Arts and Technology, Toronto, ON
aleks aleksandrov 2023

Aleks Aleksandrov, P.Eng.

Project Engineer


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