Sobre Alan

Mr. Alan Mullenix is a Regional Technical Leader with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in the practice areas of civil and structural engineering. Alan has extensive experience working with the nuclear and petrochemical industries. At Envista, Alan provides forensic investigations, and onsite examinations, and can provide proposals and opinions as to the cause and scope of damages, including cost and repair estimates.

Mr. Alan Mullenix is a Regional Technical Leader with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in the practice areas of civil and structural engineering. Alan has extensive experience working with the nuclear and petrochemical industries. At Envista, Alan provides forensic investigations, and onsite examinations, and can provide proposals and...

Mr. Alan Mullenix is a Regional Technical Leader with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in the practice areas of civil and structural engineering. Alan has extensive experience working with the nuclear and petrochemical industries. At Envista, Alan provides forensic investigations, and onsite examinations, and can provide proposals and opinions as to the cause and scope of damages, including cost and repair estimates.

Áreas de Especialización

  • Civil/​Site Drainage/​Site Preparation Damage/​Evaluation
  • Construction Defects/​Construction Accidents
  • Exterior Cladding Damage/​Evaluation
  • Fire/​Explosion Damage/​Evaluation
  • Foundation Damage/​Evaluation
  • Marine Structure Damage/​Evaluation
  • Soil Retaining Structure Damage/​Evaluation
  • Subrogation
  • Water Damage/​Evaluation
  • Wind/​Hail/​Storm Surge Damage/​Evaluation


  • Master of Science, Civil Engineering
    University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign – Urbana, Illinois
  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
    Georgia Institute of Technology – Atlanta, Georgia
alan mullenix 2024

Alan Mullenix, PE

Regional Technical Leader - South


Más de Alan

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Contacto Alan Mullenix

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