Investigacion de Incendios, Energía

Natural Gas Power Plant Explosion, Connecticut

25 agosto 2015


Following an explosion and fire at a power plant under construction, the Envista Forensics Fire Investigation division dispatched a team of seasoned fire investigators to the loss which was estimated at over $300 million in direct fire damage and business interruption.


The PEnvista team of fire investigators immediately took the necessary measures to coordinate the fire investigation activities for this complex loss. While the site was still under the control of the local, state, and federal authorities, our team coordinated the informal and formal interviews with employees, security personnel, and witnesses. Unprecedented cooperation with the authorities allowed for a parallel investigation. The Envista team remained on the scene for over six months.


Utilizing a forensic grid search of the debris and analyzing thousands of pieces of evidence, fire investigators were able to identify a specific origin of the explosion along with a scenario of events bringing the first fuel and ignition source together.

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