
Freight Train Collision – Indonesia

03 febrero 2025

The Overview: Head-on Collision

A head-on collision between two double-locomotive coal trains traveling at 60 km/h, resulted in significant damage to all four locomotives and the derailment of multiple coal cars.

Envista’s Forensic Investigation

Envista partnered with the U.S.-based locomotive Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) to conduct a comprehensive damage assessment of the four locomotives. The evaluation determined that two locomotives were a constructive total loss, while the remaining two were repairable at an OEM facility in Australia. Additionally, Envista provided expert analysis of the OEM’s repair cost estimates, ensuring accuracy and cost-effectiveness.

The Outcome: Repairing vs. Replacing

By successfully repairing two locomotives instead of replacing them, significant cost savings were achieved. Although transportation to and from the Australian facility required time, the overall repair process was still considerably faster than the lead time for manufacturing and delivering new locomotives.

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