Forense Digital, Consultoría de Equipos

The Value of Vintage Expertise in the Modern Tech Landscape: Sometimes You Need a Dinosaur

03 septiembre 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, where new programming languages, platforms, applications, and devices emerge almost daily, the value of experience cannot be overstated.

One advantage of changing careers later in life is that you bring a lot of experience with you. I started working with computers and software in 1981, in the dark ages of personal computers.

Over the next several decades, I experienced the many different operating systems that came and, in some cases, went away over the years. This knowledge of the Jurassic period of computing came in handy recently on a case I handled.

The Case in Question

I was recently engaged to work on a patent dispute case between two multi-national companies.

The case revolved around a 1993 Silicon Graphics Indigo 2 computer running the Iris operating system—a system many modern-day tech professionals may have never encountered or even heard of.Indigo 2 Fullhouse Successor To SGI Indigo Workstation

The task was to locate specific files, authenticate their creation dates, and transfer them for further examination on a modern computer running Microsoft Windows. This required technical know-how and a deep understanding of legacy systems that few possess.

Having long ago had experience with this system, I could do all the tasks needed to assist my client. Validating the presence of the files and their creation and modification dates required taking pictures of the monitor screen while it displayed the file system attributes. So far, it's simple.

However, this computer did not have a floppy disk drive, a CD-ROM drive, or any other method for exporting files using physical media. I needed to find a way to get the files from the Silicon Graphics computer to one of our forensics computers. To accomplish this, I connected the Silicon Graphics machine to our local network, started the FTP service in the Iris operating system, and was able to connect and transfer the files to our forensics Windows Server.

The opposing attorney did not hire a digital forensics expert to assist them on this case, so they were not able to look at the files prior to their client's deposition. It was an exciting session when our attorney could boot up the software of interest and load the files for review during the deposition.

Sometimes You Need a Dinosaur

Such scenarios underscore the importance of "dinosaur" expertise in our current age. While the tech industry often emphasizes the latest trends and skills, the knowledge of past technologies remains a hidden gem, much like the fossils of the dinosaurs that roamed the earth millions of years ago. These seasoned professionals bridge the gap between the past and present, offering rare and necessary insights.

Moreover, their ability to adapt and apply their knowledge to contemporary challenges indicates that while technology may change, the principles of problem-solving and innovation remain constant. This blend of historical understanding and modern application sets these individuals apart, making them invaluable when a deep dive into the annals of tech history is required.

In conclusion, with its forward-looking stance, the tech industry and digital forensics practices must not forget the contributions of those who laid the groundwork for today's advancements. As this case demonstrates, sometimes you need a "dinosaur"—someone whose experience is as vast as the prehistoric eras—to navigate the complex landscape of modern technology. Their wisdom, derived from the Jurassic period of computing, is relevant and can be the key to unlocking solutions that would otherwise remain buried in the sands of time.

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