
Summer in Review: A Look at Envista's 2021 Summer Internship Program

17 agosto 2021

As we reflect on our 2021 Summer Internship Program, we would like to take a minute to recognize our six interns across the various departments within the organization. Read about what each team member has to say about their experience with Envista Forensics.

Conor O’Sullivan – Digital Marketing Intern

What is your favorite thing you learned from Envista's internship program?

Without a doubt learning the ins and outs of how a website functions. Learning how to go into the backend of our website for adding content, updating SEO descriptions and long-tail keywords, and transcribing the US version to UK verbiage. The experience with Envista was fantastic and I learned so much about digital marketing. My knowledge of marketing software and programs tripled after completing the program. 

Why did you decide to work for Envista?      

I chose Envista because of its unique service and interview experience. Logan made me feel welcomed during the interview process and I learned a lot about the company before even being extended an offer. They have a multitude of expert services with my favorite being fire and origin. I wanted to learn more about forensic engineering, and this is the place to learn from.

Miguel Esparza – Structural Engineering Intern 

What got you interested in structural engineering?

I have always been interested in cities and infrastructure (the built environment), especially when visiting downtown Houston. I gravitated to structural engineering when I found out that structural engineers get to improve the built environment by inspecting the damage to create recovery plans or designing resilient systems.

How do you think your experiences this summer will benefit you in your future career?

Throughout this internship, I have analyzed wooden structures such as trusses, beams, and diaphragms. This will benefit me in my future endeavors because Texas A&M does not offer a class on structural analysis for wood structures. Since a lot of residential homes are built with wood elements, it has been important to gain this exposure. Overall, I believe this internship experience has set a great foundation for my career as I have become a better writer, gained valuable field experience, and have learned interesting concepts such as analyzing wood structures and finite element analysis.

Rachel Burris – Structural Engineering Intern

Other than your manager/mentor, who has made the biggest impact on you at Envista?

My manager Amber made a massive impact on me throughout the entire program; however, I’ve learned the most from Matt Perkins and Trent Hembree. Matt and Trent brought me out frequently to their site inspections. Getting to see what they do in the field and then reading the final reports later has taught me a lot more than sitting in a classroom ever could.

What is your favorite thing you learned from Envista's internship program?

My favorite thing that I’ve learned is about all of the different pieces of equipment that engineers use during on-site inspections. I specifically enjoyed learning about the ZIPLEVEL, used to measure the difference in height between two horizontal surfaces, and the laser distance measure, used to measure the distance between two points with the click of a button.

Jake Hinkle – Mechanical Engineering Intern

What is the best aspect about Envista and their services in your opinion?

Envista focuses heavily on the relationships between experts and with our clients. Building a business that our clients can repeatedly depend on for quality work is important to me. This allows me to feel as though I’m making an impact and it sets the expectations for the job.

What got you interested in mechanical/electrical engineering?

I was always working on cars growing up and enjoyed tinkering with different small engineering projects. I developed a much better understanding and appreciation for mechanical engineering in college and my professors were a large driving force behind my interests.

Derek Skaff – Mechanical Engineering Intern

What got you interested in mechanical/electrical engineering?

I have always been good at and enjoyed math and science growing up, as well as growing up with two engineering parents. Learning how things work and gaining an understanding of how machines around us what do they do continue to drive me in the field.

How do you think your experiences this summer will benefit you in your future career?

Going into my senior year, I have run into concepts while working this internship that I will be learning in the upcoming semesters, and I think that having prior exposure will provide me a leg up in my classes. I am glad I had this opportunity to learn hands-on about these concepts and I am excited to apply them in the classroom.

Gally Huang – Electrical Engineering Intern

What is your favorite thing you learned from Envista's internship program?

My favorite thing about the Envista internship program has to be the connections that I made with other experts like Wes and Matt. The ability to contact professional expertise will be beneficial for the rest of my studies at the University of Illinois.  

How do you think your experiences this summer will benefit you in your future career?

I think the process of setting up my own experiences will help me greatly in senior design and my future labs. I think that the experiences here also will help me communicate in my future careers as I learned to speak like an adult.

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