Employee and Workplace Safety
A safe environment is important for everyone. When an accident occurs, it is important to determine what truly happened in a timely manner and understand how to prevent it in the future.
Envista's experts have extensive experience in workplace safety cases including collecting evidence and expert witness and litigation support.
Safety Assessments and Prevention
There are many factors that must be evaluated after an accident, including the site, all protocols and training (or lack thereof), any contributing environmental issues, equipment and process, building codes, and industry-standard reviews. This evaluation is especially important for worker's compensation or regulatory health and safety incidents.
Envista's experts can evaluate:
- Building code requirements for stairs, railings, interior or exterior steps, and doors
- Ladder testing that adheres to local standards based on where the accident occurred (e.g. CSA, OSHA, etc.)
- Walking surfaces and floors to ensure they adhere to industry and local standards
Typical Safety Loss Events and Locations
Our experts have seen workplace safety events that include but are not limited to:
- Commercial office or retail spaces
- Construction sites
- Energy generation sites
- Governmental facilities and sites
- Handicap accessible ramps or equipment incidents
- Ladder incidents and falls
- Industrial and manufacturing sites
- Medical office or hospital sites
- Personal injury (trip and fall)
- Playground equipment failures
- Public way sites (such as air, automobile, rail, road, or ship)
Multidisciplinary Expert Approach
Envista Forensics has a number of specialists that are skilled at providing a customized approach to assessing a scene based on the type of site, the industry, and the nature of the incident.
In a worksite accident, possible factors considered are federal, state, county, and city regulatory compliance requirements and worker health and safety. Our experts have been responsible for keeping employees safe for decades in these same workplaces. They have intimate knowledge of facility design and layout and extensive experience designing safety features such as machinery guards and automatic shut-offs.
Our process and safety experts start by examining any or all of the following based on the incident:
- Equipment areas of interest
- Rotating equipment or machinery, vehicles (including farm equipment)
- Functioning guards
- Proper maintenance schedule
- Proper training and education for operators
- Facility/construction site
- Cleanliness
- Organization procedures
- Scaffolding safety
- Training program
- Facility safety procedures
- Confined space entry
- Trip hazards
- Fall protection
- Lighting
- Chemical safety
- Electrical lockout/tagout
- Supervision
- Hazardous materials
- Monitoring and awareness
- Protection such as system lockout and tag out, fire protection, fall, etc.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) training and accountability
- Everyday spaces
- Slip, trip, and fall hazards
- Railroad crossing failures
- Workplace
- Ergonomic design
- OSHA, federal, and state workplace standards