Hardware/Software Failure Analysis
Hardware and software failures are among the most devastating types of losses, resulting in a massive loss of time and money for an organization. Identifying the cause of hardware and software failures is key when restoring business operations, comparing restoration costs to pre-loss conditions to assist with resolving insurance claims, and expediting litigation.
Envista has years of experience providing claims professionals and litigators with vital hardware and software failure analysis, using various methods of testing for servers, switches, network equipment, and storage arrays. Our team of experts also has the ability to examine more prevalent failed devices, such as hard disk drives and power supplies, to provide the type of error or failure experienced.
Hardware/Software Failure Expert Witness
Envista can provide legal professionals with expert opinions regarding the cause and nature of hardware and software failures. Our forensic experts are experienced expert witnesses who have provided hundreds of expert reports to the legal community following high-exposure technology equipment failures and other losses.
Please visit our expert directory.