Rubble after fire where homes once stood


Every year, wildfires and bushfires burn millions of acres of land across the world. From the United States to Indonesia, Brazil, and parts of Australia, these fires account for billions of dollars in damaged property, with the amount of damage is growing rapidly. According to the University of Tasmania's Menzies Institute for Medical Research, the 2019-2020 bushfire season cost the country AUD $1.95 billion, nine times as much as the average of the previous 19 years.1

Burning bushfires have caused significant loss of life, destroyed entire communities, and displaced families. Additionally, the severity, occurrence, and cost of bushfires are increasing every year. This can include devastating impacts on soils and vegetation and results in an evolving environmental disaster. The effects of bushfires don't stay around only for the fire season. Burn scars and subsequent rain have resulted in mudslides that have also caused the loss of life and severely impacted the environment and neighbourhoods.

Bushfire Origin and Cause Investigation

Understanding the cause and plotting the progression of a bushfire is essential in the investigation. How weather or terrain can affect the movement of the fire and if structures are built within high-risk areas and built with code-compliant material can all provide insight on how to conduct insurance claims investigations and will help determine potential liability or subrogation opportunities.

Because there are many factors that can affect the ignition and spread of these fires, it is vital to secure qualified and experienced bushfire investigative experts early to provide you with clear, complete, convincing, and conclusive data. Seeing the whole picture is what a client needs to make educated decisions.

Bushfire Investigation Experts

Following a catastrophic bushfire, Envista's team of highly trained bushfire origin and cause experts are available for immediate bushfire response globally. Our experts have the ability to conduct comprehensive origin and cause investigations and are experienced with:

  • 3D image site documentation
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Fuel condition analysis
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Weather condition analysis
  • Complex bushfire investigation management
  • Fire spread factors
  • Identification of fire pattern indicators
  • Topography review

Envista's experts are equipped with the experience, tools, and technology to present aerial and ground photographs, as well as videos of the post-bushfire damage. Our experts can obtain and review local and state agency fire reports and related documents. Envista Forensics also offers computer fire modelling services that recreate the event to illustrate the ignition and development of the fire.

1The Sydney Morning Herald


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