Mark Evans is a Principal Consultant with a comprehensive track record of maintenance engineering and operational management within the steel manufacturing industry. He has significant project management experience in high-pressure environments and has gained experience in senior roles in the chemical and rail industry.

How long have you worked for Envista and what do you do? 

I started back in early October of 2021. Over the last few months, I have mainly been Project Managing a number of matters as a mechanical engineer.

Describe your job in three words.

Manager, Transition, Steel

What do you love most about what you do? 

Definitely the variety!

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?  

When I'm not working, I am chasing after my three boys (20, 18, and 16 years old) and watching football (or soccer in the US!) with them, following a lowly UK team, Grimsby Town.

What is your favourite country you have ever visited? 


What’s a fun fact about you that many people may not know? 

My first ever air flight was to New Delhi in Northern India, the start of my backpacking around the world, in 1989 and I went to Southern India on my honeymoon in 2000.

mark evans

Mark Evans, CEng FIMechE

Principal Consultant

Hvordan kan vi hjælpe dig?

Vi har eksperter i mange tekniske discipliner fordelt over hele verden. Kontakt os, så vi kan finde den rigtige ekspert til opgaven.

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Udforsk vores hjemmeside

Vores job er at løse komplekse udfordringer for vores kunder ved skadehændelser. Vi servicerer virksomhedsejere, små som store og uanset, hvor det er henne i verden og uagtet af, hvilket problem de står overfor.