David has personally worked or supervised more than 1500 fire and explosion investigations. His forensic experience includes investigations of fire and explosion incidents in industrial, commercial, residential structures, vehicles, boats/vessels, and marinas. His areas of expertise include fire scene analysis, evidence and data collection, monitoring of destructive and non-destructive testing, investigative interviews, scene photography, and ICC and NFPA fire code compliance.

How long have you worked for Envista and what do you do?
I have worked with Envista for over 3 years as a Fire/Explosion Investigator and Marine Fire Investigator.

Before you joined Envista, what were you doing?
Before Envista, I worked as a Fire Chief for a small city in Broward County Florida and worked with a software company designing software for the fire service.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The most rewarding part of my job is being able to delve deep into the fire to determine the specific ignition sequence so that the client knows exactly what happened. I have had the opportunity to travel to more than six countries to work fire scenes and two major California wildfires. The other rewarding aspect of my job is being able to discover fraud.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
I live on the island in Deerfield Beach where I can walk to the beach, the intercoastal and the pier within minutes. I would consider myself a beach bum outside of work!

In one word, summarize the work Envista does around the world.

T. David Harlow


Principal Consultant

Fire and Explosion
Se David's profil
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