Om Tristan

Mr. Tristan Burm is a Project Engineer with over 10 years of experience. He is experienced in designing and constructing numerous building materials, including reinforced concrete, pre-tension concrete, post-tension concrete, historic foundations, wood, and light-gauge, steel, masonry, and green building materials. He has experience in Residential, Commercial, and Infrastructure design, testing, and monitoring. He is also a professional engineer in eight states and holds a Sprat L1 certificate for ropes access, and  OSHA certifications. At...

Mr. Tristan Burm is a Project Engineer with over 10 years of experience. He is experienced in designing and constructing numerous building materials, including reinforced concrete, pre-tension concrete, post-tension concrete, historic foundations, wood, and light-gauge, steel, masonry, and green building materials. He has experience in Residential, Commercial, and Infrastructure design, testing, and monitoring. He is also a professional engineer in eight states and holds a Sprat L1 certificate for ropes access, and  OSHA certifications. At Envista, Mr. Burm combines his expertise and education of structures which enables him to analyze and provide causes of structural failures in a variety of materials.

Mr. Tristan Burm is a Project Engineer with over 10 years of experience. He is experienced in designing and constructing numerous building materials, including reinforced concrete, pre-tension concrete, post-tension concrete, historic foundations, wood, and light-gauge, steel, masonry, and green building materials. He has experience in...

Mr. Tristan Burm is a Project Engineer with over 10 years of experience. He is experienced in designing and constructing numerous building materials, including reinforced concrete, pre-tension concrete, post-tension concrete, historic foundations, wood, and light-gauge, steel, masonry, and green building materials. He has experience in Residential, Commercial, and Infrastructure design, testing, and monitoring. He is also a professional engineer in eight states and holds a Sprat L1 certificate for ropes access, and  OSHA certifications. At Envista, Mr. Burm combines his expertise and education of structures which enables him to analyze and provide causes of structural failures in a variety of materials.


  • Civil and Structural Failure Analysis
  • Forensic Engineering


  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering (Emphasis in Structures)
    Colorado State University

Tristan Burm, PE

Project Engineer


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Kontakt Tristan Burm

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Hvordan kan vi hjælpe dig? 

For akut hjælp kontakt Envista i Denver, CO på +1 888-782-3473
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