Om Ron

Ron is a Senior Principal Consultant in Envista’s Canadian Forensic Consulting division, with over 32 years of combined experience as a civil and forensic engineer. Mr. Koerth has spoken at numerous professional societies in the Toronto area with which he is also associated. Mr. Koerth has served as an expert witness 28 times in Ontario Superior Court and is qualified in matters relating to construction, municipal building inspections, home inspections, forensic engineering, structural engineering, civil engineering and building science.

Ron is a Senior Principal Consultant in Envista’s Canadian Forensic Consulting division, with over 32 years of combined experience as a civil and forensic engineer. Mr. Koerth has spoken at numerous professional societies in the Toronto area with which he is also associated. Mr. Koerth has served as an expert witness 28 times in Ontario...

Ron is a Senior Principal Consultant in Envista’s Canadian Forensic Consulting division, with over 32 years of combined experience as a civil and forensic engineer. Mr. Koerth has spoken at numerous professional societies in the Toronto area with which he is also associated. Mr. Koerth has served as an expert witness 28 times in Ontario Superior Court and is qualified in matters relating to construction, municipal building inspections, home inspections, forensic engineering, structural engineering, civil engineering and building science.


  • Building Envelope Failures
  • Construction Defect
  • Construction Vibration
  • Design and Code Reviews
  • Errors and Omissions
  • Expert Witness and Litigation Support
  • Structural Analysis and Rehabilitation
  • Swimming Pools
  • Wood Structures and Framing


  • Masters, Business Administration
    York University – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Bachelor of Science, Applied Science
    University of Waterloo – Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Ron Koerth

Ron Koerth, B.A.Sc., M.B.A, P.Eng

Senior Principal Consultant


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Kontakt Ron Koerth

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Hvordan kan vi hjælpe dig? 

For akut hjælp kontakt Envista i Toronto, ON på 888-782-3473
 Envista Forensics Logo
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