Om Liz

Ms. Liz Miller is a Project Engineer with over 12 years of experience in structural design consulting. She has worked as a design engineer in the nuclear power industry and is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Illinois. Over the course of her design career, she has designed and inspected numerous structures and structural components composed of concrete, steel, and masonry. She has also worked extensively on rigging and heavy-load move projects with a focus on requirements inside or above nuclear safety-related...

Ms. Liz Miller is a Project Engineer with over 12 years of experience in structural design consulting. She has worked as a design engineer in the nuclear power industry and is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Illinois. Over the course of her design career, she has designed and inspected numerous structures and structural components composed of concrete, steel, and masonry. She has also worked extensively on rigging and heavy-load move projects with a focus on requirements inside or above nuclear safety-related components or structures. Ms. Miller has provided on-site support in both the pre-design and installation support for many projects and is experienced in performing walk-downs and inspections in radioactively contaminated areas. She is very focused on providing safe and thorough inspections.

Ms. Liz Miller is a Project Engineer with over 12 years of experience in structural design consulting. She has worked as a design engineer in the nuclear power industry and is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Illinois. Over the course of her design career, she has designed and inspected numerous structures and structural...

Ms. Liz Miller is a Project Engineer with over 12 years of experience in structural design consulting. She has worked as a design engineer in the nuclear power industry and is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Illinois. Over the course of her design career, she has designed and inspected numerous structures and structural components composed of concrete, steel, and masonry. She has also worked extensively on rigging and heavy-load move projects with a focus on requirements inside or above nuclear safety-related components or structures. Ms. Miller has provided on-site support in both the pre-design and installation support for many projects and is experienced in performing walk-downs and inspections in radioactively contaminated areas. She is very focused on providing safe and thorough inspections.


  • Civil and Structural Failure Analysis
  • Forensics Engineering
tb2 7890 sq

Liz Miller, PE

Project Engineer


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