Om Josh

Mr. Joshua Lorencz is a Senior Digital Forensics Examiner. He has 16 years of experience in law enforcement and over 10 years of digital forensics experience. He has completed more than 950 hours of training in the field of digital forensics and handled hundreds of matters. He also has experience testifying as an expert witness in local and federal court. Prior to joining Envista, he built a computer forensics lab providing services to an agency of 125 employees and extended those services to other colleagues statewide. At Envista, Mr....

Mr. Joshua Lorencz is a Senior Digital Forensics Examiner. He has 16 years of experience in law enforcement and over 10 years of digital forensics experience. He has completed more than 950 hours of training in the field of digital forensics and handled hundreds of matters. He also has experience testifying as an expert witness in local and federal court. Prior to joining Envista, he built a computer forensics lab providing services to an agency of 125 employees and extended those services to other colleagues statewide. At Envista, Mr. Lorencz utilizes his experience to consult on civil trucking accidents, criminal defense matters, intellectual property theft cases, and more. Mr. Lorencz is an instructor for The International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists teaching Mobile Device Forensics to members across the world.

Mr. Joshua Lorencz is a Senior Digital Forensics Examiner. He has 16 years of experience in law enforcement and over 10 years of digital forensics experience. He has completed more than 950 hours of training in the field of digital forensics and handled hundreds of matters. He also has experience testifying as an expert witness in local and...

Mr. Joshua Lorencz is a Senior Digital Forensics Examiner. He has 16 years of experience in law enforcement and over 10 years of digital forensics experience. He has completed more than 950 hours of training in the field of digital forensics and handled hundreds of matters. He also has experience testifying as an expert witness in local and federal court. Prior to joining Envista, he built a computer forensics lab providing services to an agency of 125 employees and extended those services to other colleagues statewide. At Envista, Mr. Lorencz utilizes his experience to consult on civil trucking accidents, criminal defense matters, intellectual property theft cases, and more. Mr. Lorencz is an instructor for The International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists teaching Mobile Device Forensics to members across the world.


  • Call Detail Record Analysis
  • Cell Phone Forensics
  • Civil Litigation Support
  • Computer Forensics Investigation
  • Digital Forensics
  • GPS Forensics
  • Illicit Media Cases
  • Law Enforcement


  • Bachelor of Science in Finance
    California State University
  • California P.O.S.T. Academy Graduate
    Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
josh lorencz


Senior Digital Forensics Examiner

Digital Forensics

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Kontakt Josh Lorencz

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Hvordan kan vi hjælpe dig? 

For akut hjælp kontakt Envista i Carrollton, TX på +1 888-782-3473
 Envista Forensics Logo
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