Om Jonathan

Mr. Jonathan Hatlee is a Senior Project Engineer with 10 years of experience in the petrochemical, heavy industrial, and manufacturing industries. He has experience working on both the Owner and Consultant’s side of design projects, with clients including ExxonMobil, Dominion Power, Philip Morris, Ashland Specialty Ingredients, and Fareva. His responsibilities include both Lead Structural design as well Project Management of Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical multi-discipline design teams. He has experience working with steel, concrete,...

Mr. Jonathan Hatlee is a Senior Project Engineer with 10 years of experience in the petrochemical, heavy industrial, and manufacturing industries. He has experience working on both the Owner and Consultant’s side of design projects, with clients including ExxonMobil, Dominion Power, Philip Morris, Ashland Specialty Ingredients, and Fareva. His responsibilities include both Lead Structural design as well Project Management of Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical multi-discipline design teams. He has experience working with steel, concrete, masonry, structural framing, deep and shallow foundations, storm sewers, marine terminals and berths, blast resistant design, and monorails. At Envista, he provides Civil/Structural forensic support in the mid-Atlantic region.

Mr. Jonathan Hatlee is a Senior Project Engineer with 10 years of experience in the petrochemical, heavy industrial, and manufacturing industries. He has experience working on both the Owner and Consultant’s side of design projects, with clients including ExxonMobil, Dominion Power, Philip Morris, Ashland Specialty Ingredients, and Fareva. His...

Mr. Jonathan Hatlee is a Senior Project Engineer with 10 years of experience in the petrochemical, heavy industrial, and manufacturing industries. He has experience working on both the Owner and Consultant’s side of design projects, with clients including ExxonMobil, Dominion Power, Philip Morris, Ashland Specialty Ingredients, and Fareva. His responsibilities include both Lead Structural design as well Project Management of Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical multi-discipline design teams. He has experience working with steel, concrete, masonry, structural framing, deep and shallow foundations, storm sewers, marine terminals and berths, blast resistant design, and monorails. At Envista, he provides Civil/Structural forensic support in the mid-Atlantic region.


  • Civil/​Site Drainage/​Site Preparation Damage/​Evaluations
  • Construction
  • Exterior Cladding Damage/​Evaluations
  • Fire/​Explosion Damage/​Evaluations
  • Foundation Damage/​Evaluations
  • Industrial Refining/​Storage/​Pipeline Damage/​Evaluations
  • Soil Retaining Structure Damage/​Evaluation
  • Wind/​Hail/​Storm Surge Damage/​Evaluations


  • Master of Science, Civil Engineering
    Virginia Polytech Institute and State University – Blacksburg, Virginia
  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Troy, New York
Jonathan Hatlee

Jonathan Hatlee, PE

Senior Project Engineer


Mød Jonathan

  • 18 - 20 september 2024
    Huntington Beach, CA
    Tale begivenhed
    CLM Construction Conference
  • 01 - 04 november 2024
    Seattle, WA
    Tale begivenhed
    ASCE Forensic Engineering Congress
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Kontakt Jonathan Hatlee

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For akut hjælp kontakt Envista i Richmond, VA på +1 888-782-3473
 Envista Forensics Logo
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