Om Frank

Mr. Frank Griffin Jr. is a LEED accredited structural engineer with over 29 years of experience including the structural design, analysis, and forensic investigation of commercial, institutional, residential, municipal and industrial buildings, water and wastewater treatment facilities, flood control projects, retaining walls, and welded steel ground storage tanks. He has experience in performing failure investigations for a variety of construction materials, including concrete, steel and wood structures, and damages, including wind, hail,...

Mr. Frank Griffin Jr. is a LEED accredited structural engineer with over 29 years of experience including the structural design, analysis, and forensic investigation of commercial, institutional, residential, municipal and industrial buildings, water and wastewater treatment facilities, flood control projects, retaining walls, and welded steel ground storage tanks. He has experience in performing failure investigations for a variety of construction materials, including concrete, steel and wood structures, and damages, including wind, hail, flood, soil movement, and vehicular impacts. Mr. Griffin has extensive knowledge of evaluating building conditions and analyzing structural failures.

Mr. Frank Griffin Jr. is a LEED accredited structural engineer with over 29 years of experience including the structural design, analysis, and forensic investigation of commercial, institutional, residential, municipal and industrial buildings, water and wastewater treatment facilities, flood control projects, retaining walls, and welded steel...

Mr. Frank Griffin Jr. is a LEED accredited structural engineer with over 29 years of experience including the structural design, analysis, and forensic investigation of commercial, institutional, residential, municipal and industrial buildings, water and wastewater treatment facilities, flood control projects, retaining walls, and welded steel ground storage tanks. He has experience in performing failure investigations for a variety of construction materials, including concrete, steel and wood structures, and damages, including wind, hail, flood, soil movement, and vehicular impacts. Mr. Griffin has extensive knowledge of evaluating building conditions and analyzing structural failures.


  • Construction
  • Construction Accident Investigation
  • Construction Defect
  • Construction Defects/​Construction Accidents
  • Construction Expert Witness
  • Exterior Cladding Damage/​Evaluations
  • Fire/​Explosion Damage/​Evaluations
  • Foundation Damage/​Evaluations
  • Soil Retaining Structure Damage/​Evaluation
  • Stone/​Masonry Construction
  • Subrogation
  • Water Damage/​Evaluation
  • Wind/​Hail/​Storm Surge Damage/​Evaluations


  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
    Texas Tech University – Lubbock, Texas
  • Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering
    University of Texas at Arlington – Arlington, Texas
Frank S. Griffin Jr.

Frank Griffin Jr., PE, LEED AP

Principal Consultant


Mød Frank

  • 09 - 11 april 2025
    Dallas, TX
    Tale begivenhed
    CLM Annual Conference
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