
A Professional Engineer with 15 years’ of experience working in the field of biomechanical engineering. He has applied engineering principles in the areas of accident reconstruction, injury potential/causation analyses, human factors analyses, failure analysis, and medical device engineering. He has analyzed failures in products liability cases and determined the relationship of the defect with the injuries. As a biomechanical engineer, He is qualified to use injury based evidence from medical records, photographs and autopsy reports to...

A Professional Engineer with 15 years’ of experience working in the field of biomechanical engineering. He has applied engineering principles in the areas of accident reconstruction, injury potential/causation analyses, human factors analyses, failure analysis, and medical device engineering. He has analyzed failures in products liability cases and determined the relationship of the defect with the injuries. As a biomechanical engineer, He is qualified to use injury based evidence from medical records, photographs and autopsy reports to create a complete and quality analysis. He is a reviewer for an independent institutional review board. He specializes in evaluating medical device study protocols and assists manufacturing companies seeking FDA approval. He is a seasoned professional and has testified over 65 times.

A Professional Engineer with 15 years’ of experience working in the field of biomechanical engineering. He has applied engineering principles in the areas of accident reconstruction, injury potential/causation analyses, human factors analyses, failure analysis, and medical device engineering. He has analyzed failures in products liability cases...

A Professional Engineer with 15 years’ of experience working in the field of biomechanical engineering. He has applied engineering principles in the areas of accident reconstruction, injury potential/causation analyses, human factors analyses, failure analysis, and medical device engineering. He has analyzed failures in products liability cases and determined the relationship of the defect with the injuries. As a biomechanical engineer, He is qualified to use injury based evidence from medical records, photographs and autopsy reports to create a complete and quality analysis. He is a reviewer for an independent institutional review board. He specializes in evaluating medical device study protocols and assists manufacturing companies seeking FDA approval. He is a seasoned professional and has testified over 65 times.


  • Master of Engineering, Bioengineering
    Texas A&M University
  • Bachelor of Science, Bioengineering
    Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Biomechanics Expert in Houston, TX

Biomechanics Expert in Houston, TX

Houston, TX
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