Om Aaron

Mr. Aaron Trenshaw is a Regional Technical Leader at Envista Forensics with over 12 years of industry experience in design, engineering, procurement, structural design and evaluation, scheduling, and cost estimating of natural gas processing; nuclear power, power transmission, forensic investigations, and code compliance. In the course of his work, he has developed a thorough working knowledge of current walkway safety standards, protocols, building codes, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design guidelines. Aaron also has...

Mr. Aaron Trenshaw is a Regional Technical Leader at Envista Forensics with over 12 years of industry experience in design, engineering, procurement, structural design and evaluation, scheduling, and cost estimating of natural gas processing; nuclear power, power transmission, forensic investigations, and code compliance. In the course of his work, he has developed a thorough working knowledge of current walkway safety standards, protocols, building codes, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design guidelines. Aaron also has significant experience performing engineering investigations on residential, commercial, and industrial properties evaluating site issues, including foundation settlement investigations, moisture intrusion/water damage, tornado and storm damage, structural damage, fire damage, vehicle and tree impact damage, and construction defect determinations.

Mr. Aaron Trenshaw is a Regional Technical Leader at Envista Forensics with over 12 years of industry experience in design, engineering, procurement, structural design and evaluation, scheduling, and cost estimating of natural gas processing; nuclear power, power transmission, forensic investigations, and code compliance. In the course of his...

Mr. Aaron Trenshaw is a Regional Technical Leader at Envista Forensics with over 12 years of industry experience in design, engineering, procurement, structural design and evaluation, scheduling, and cost estimating of natural gas processing; nuclear power, power transmission, forensic investigations, and code compliance. In the course of his work, he has developed a thorough working knowledge of current walkway safety standards, protocols, building codes, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design guidelines. Aaron also has significant experience performing engineering investigations on residential, commercial, and industrial properties evaluating site issues, including foundation settlement investigations, moisture intrusion/water damage, tornado and storm damage, structural damage, fire damage, vehicle and tree impact damage, and construction defect determinations.


  • Construction Defect
  • Residential Homes
  • Structural Failure
  • Structural Steel
  • Vibration Damage/​Evaluation


  • Master of Science in Civil Engineering
    Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
    Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering
    Missouri University of Science and Technology
Regional Technical Leader - North in St. Louis, MO

Aaron Trenshaw, PE, CXLT

Regional Technical Leader - North


St. Louis, MO

Mød Aaron

  • 27 - 28 august 2024
    St Louis, MO
    Deltager i begivenhed
    PLRB Regional Adjusters Conference (Central)
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