Marine, General

National Maritime Day

22 maj 2019

You may be asking yourself, what is National Maritime Day? Sea trade has been the largest carrier of cargo in the history of the world. National Maritime Day was created by the United States Congress on May 20, 1933, to commemorate the first transatlantic steamship voyage.

The American steamship Savannah departed from the Port of Savannah, GA on May 22, 1819. Utilizing both steam and sail power, she reached Liverpool, England in 29 days and 4 hours, becoming the first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

What National Maritime Day Means Today

Over time, National Maritime Day has evolved from celebrating America's rich maritime history to serving as a day to remember those seafarers who have given their lives to the sea. If you know anyone who has worked on our world's vast oceans, thank them today.

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A strong maritime industry supports international commerce and as America's "fourth arm of defense" keeps our military supplied with the goods and services they need to provide for our national defense.

Paying Respects on Maritime Day

Memorial services are held at various locations around the United States including the Merchant Marine Memorials in New York City and San Pedro, California.

On this day, the Envista Forensics Global Marine Practice salutes "those who go down to the sea in ships." We especially honor those Merchant Mariners who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

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