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Envista Forensics Awarded Top Digital Forensics Solution Providers 2021

06 July 2021

CHICAGO – July 6, 2021 – Envista Forensics, a global forensic consulting company, was named Top 10 Digital Forensics Solution Providers of 2021 by Enterprise Security.

Enterprise Security, an enterprise technology magazine serving the U.S., APAC, Europe, and the Middle East, organizes an annual award recognizing ten companies that are at the forefront of the digital forensics industry and are dedicated to providing solutions and making an impact.

In addition to being awarded Top 10 Digital Forensics Solution Providers, Jason Bergerson, Director of Digital Forensics at Envista Forensics, was featured on the cover of the issue In his cover story, Finding the Truth in a Digital World, Bergerson provides insight on how Envista leverages Digital Forensics services to help legal professionals.

“At Envista, we partner with litigation professionals to make sure that they have access to the best-qualified experts that can explain digital forensics in a way that is useful in a court of law,” Bergerson quotes. 

He goes on to explain that Envista is a service-based business and many on the team got into the industry because it not only interested them but because they wanted to help people and make a difference.

The magazine mentions, “As digital forensics becomes more prevalent, Envista satisfies the growing demand as a highly-skilled forensic engineering partner—one of which spans the globe, with numerous disciplines on top of their digital forensics division to truly offer a full spectrum of services to clients. However when it comes to their well-known digital forensics group in particular, their examiners are laser-focused on the best ways to consult with and educate civil litigators, insurance professionals, in-house counsel, and other legal professionals to help them fully understand all the ways digital evidence can be used pre-litigation and during litigation.”

Considered a subject matter expert, Bergerson holds over 20 years of experience investigating and managing projects related to cyber incidents, computer forensics, mobile device forensics, and consulting on network security.  He provides consulting expertise to the insurance, legal, law enforcement, private corporations, and public communities in matters of digital forensics.

To read the full article, visit Enterprise Security Magazine. For more information on Envista’s Digital Forensics services, reach out to

About Envista Forensics

Envista Forensics is a global leader in forensic consulting. We provide failure analysis, fire and explosion investigations, digital forensics, accident reconstruction, building and construction consulting, geotechnical engineering, damage evaluations, and equipment restoration services following disasters of all kinds.

Envista has served the insurance, legal, and risk management industries for more than 30 years. Our experts travel globally to more than 30 offices located across North America, Latin America, Europe, Singapore, and Australia. Visit our website at for more information.

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